Chapter 24

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"How..." I blubber incoherently as I stare at my best friend in shock. I can't even begin to express the joy I feel right now but I suddenly feel hope for a split second. Is this how Newt felt in the maze? When he was determined to get us out? If so, I liked the feeling of it.

"Um what can't I do?" He scoffs jokingly as he quickly fixes his already perfect hair.

"A lot of things Hermano. You can't stop playing with you hair for an example." Jorge rolls his eyes as he comes up beside Minho!

My eyes bug out of my head as I look past them. Everyone we lost were here before me, healthy and alive. Frypan! My heart soared at the sight of him. He's always so kind and helping to everyone and I don't know what the world would do without him.

"Let's get you out of this truck. You don't look so good." Minho holds out his hand and I take it as I ease my way out of the van.

"We have more important things to focus on. Cranks have Brenda, Thomas, and Newt locked up in a basement! They're planning to kill them and sell Thomas! If we don't hurry we're gonna run out of time!"

Jorge's face fills with emotions ranging from relief to worry and I can only assume it's because of Brenda.

"Alright everyone in the van! We can't waste any time!" Jorge makes his way to the driver seat as Minho grabs my elbow to pull me alongside him towards the passenger door.

The rest of the Gladers get into the back, where I was and I'm pushed between Jorge and Minho in the front.

"How did you guys even know I was in here?" I ask in disbelief.

"We saw those Cranks lead you guys in there. Figured when you didn't come back out something must of happened. We were going in to save your sorry butts when we saw blondie back there throwing you in a truck. We followed at a safe distance behind but we didn't want him to know we were there until we were out of sight incase he decided to send back up. Once we were in the clear that's when we ambushed, and now we're here."

"Did you kill him?"


"The blonde one who was selling me."

"He was selling you!" Jorge budged in.

I'm still not exactly sure what "selling" meant, but I'm sure it wasn't anything good, "Yeah. They said I would be worth something whatever that means. Although I don't know why." I shudder at the thought, "You never answered my question. Did you kill him?"

There was silence for a few seconds before Minho answers, "Don't know. Punched him unconscious though that's for sure. Even if he's not dead though, we left him back there. He can't get back to us. We're safe. And we have enough time to make it to the safe haven. We just have to get Thomas and Newt."

"And Brenda."

"Yeah her too."

Jorge stayed quiet for the rest of the ride. His eyes were narrowed after he found out they had been planning to sell me and I had to fight the urge to ask why. Do I really want to know? Would it just make me more scared than I already am now?

My heart pounds faster against my chest as we reach the place where the Cranks forced us in. What if we're too late? What if someone gets hurt? Stop. I need to be more positive. For Newt and Thomas.

"Carly, stay in the van. We shouldn't be too long." Minho opens the door and moves around the back to let everyone else out.

"What?! No way! I'm coming with you."

"Carly it's too dangerous. Just do what you're told for once in her life. Newt was right, you are stubborn." He says exasperated.

"This isn't about me being stubborn Minho! They have my brother and Newt. I'm not asking. I'm coming."

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