Chapter 6

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Newt's P.O.V.

"Carly! Carly! Just hold on okay!"

I picked her up into my arms and I knew she was unconscious. I ran to the bed, gently placing her on it. Goosebumps prominently lined her skin, so I wrapped her in the thin sheets holding her tightly to myself as I rocked her.

I had completely forgot Thomas was still in the room until he started panicking, "What's wrong with her? Is she okay? What are you doing? Should you be moving her right now? Holy shuck!"

"Slim it Tommy! You're getting on my bloody nerves." I put a hand to her clammy forehead, "Her body feels like ice but her forehead is burning." I feel her pulse to make sure she's okay and sigh with relief when I feel that it's at a steady pace. Thank god.

"She'll be okay Newt. She's strong." Thomas said calmly.

Where did this sudden burst of confidence come from? His mood swings got in my nerves.

"I know that. But she can't get better if she doesn't have any food in her system."

Thomas nodded, "I'm gonna go get Jeff, even though it's probably useless." He hesitates before running out of the room, I know he doesn't want to leave his little sister alone but he wants to help.

She needed food. I know she's strong, but not physically. Mentally she could probably convince herself to hold on just a little while longer, but physically body can't take the lack of nutrients. We were all feeling the effects of this but when was the last time she even drank any water?

I rub her arms under my calloused hands, trying to transfer as much heat to her as possible.

You'll be okay. I know you'll be okay.

I repeat it to myself like a mantra as I place a chaste kiss onto her warm forehead.

How long would she be asleep for? I was already missing her and I just needed to see eyes open. All I could do for now was keep her warm until she wakes up. Hell I even want to see her angry. She's so cute when she's angry, although she's reckless and stubborn.

I pull her closer to me, adjusting her so that she would be more comfortable, as I rock her in my arms.

Tommy returns with Jeff who confirms my theories. For some reason he believes Jeff instead of me, when I said the same exact thing, but I didn't care. As long as Carly was fine nothing else could bother me.

Jeff left the room after diagnosing Carly, leaving me alone with Tommy. Was there a nice way to ask for some privacy?

He folded his arms across his chest, glaring at me. Oh this is just bloody great.

"What was that?"

I shrug my shoulders, "What was it?"

"Don't play dumb with me Newt! I'm not in the mood!"

"Yeah and neither am I. I understand that it's weird that your best friend is with your little sister, but you have to realize that she is my girlfriend. If it's consented I don't see what the problem is."

"She's too young that's what the problem is."

"She knows what she's agreeing to."

"And what exactly is that?!" He spat at me.

"Idk Tommy okay."

"You guys haven't- you know." He was teetering on the edge of sanity.

"No. I promise we haven't."

"I'm just saying, watch yourself, and be careful please."

"Tommy, mate, do you really think I would bloody hurt your sister. I know her. I was their for her before you-"

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