Chapter 20

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The sun is just rising over the tops of the skyscrapers as we make  our way out of the van. Theirs still a bite in the air from the cold night but I knew it wouldn't last long judging by the blinding sun.

"How do you know where the rest of the group is?" I ask skeptically.

"Well we're all going in the same direction so we'll meet up with them near the border of the city. It should only take a few hours if we don't take any brakes."

Thank god. I don't know how much longer I can take being in a city surrounded by Cranks.

"Tommy?" Newt stops, turning to face my brother who is staring at a wall.

"What's that?" He points up to a sign that I hadn't noticed before.

'Thomas. You're the real leader.'

"What the shuck does that mean?" Newt asks as he looks around frantically.

I don't blame him for being paranoid. Was that there the night before?

"They're posted all over the city. I thought you might know what they meant. Either way I think that's why Jorge decided to help you guys once you gave him your name. You must be pretty important for them to put signs in here. This is basically a dead zone."

He shudders at her words, "I don't know why it would say that?" His eyebrow shoots up in confusion.

"Can we please get going. I don't exactly love it here." Newt grabs my hand, clearly annoyed by all the answered questions and the fact that we were still unprotected in this city.

"I agree. Brenda, show us the way." Thomas tightens the straps of his makeshift backpack,

I'm surprised he got over that so quickly, especially with his curiosity in the Glade that almost got him killed.

Actually he seemed to not overthink anything anymore. Even as we walked, he walked with a sense of calmness. Newt beside me was the complete opposite as he kept switching what said I was on so that I wouldn't have to walk in front of an ally way. Brenda rolled her eyes every time he did that, which annoyed me. Why did she care if he cared about my safety or not?

And why was Thomas staring at her like a love sick puppy?

Nothing was making any sense any more.

And now I'm starting to hear music.

Actually it was more like I felt it. A deep, fast beat was vibrating through the ground and the further we walked, the louder it got.

"Do you hear that too?" I ask, scared I'm going crazy.

"Yes." Newt squeezes my hand as he pulls me slightly closer again.

"I guess Cranks like to party like crazy." Thomas jokes.

We all give him a pointed look as he puts his hands up in defense, "Sorry, my bad."

"Well this is the fastest way through the city. If we go around it'll take us another day on foot. But it's your call." Brenda looks at Thomas to make the decision and the sign stating Thomas is the real leader pops back into my mind.

"No. There's strength in numbers. Besides we're a family. We need to find them as soon as possible to get to the safe haven."

"I agree."

"Alright then." She begins to walk again, not caring which answer he chose.

Newt looks around with concern, "Are you sure that's what you want?" He whispers to me.

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