Chapter 11

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"What the shuck was that?"

It was from a girl, but it didn't sound like the girl from the window. Maybe she was being attacked. We should help her.

I start walking in the direction of the sound.

"Hey hey hey! Where the shuck do you think you're going?" Newt grabs my arm.

"What if she needs help?"

"And what if it's a trap to lure us in."

"What if it's someone from Group B." Aris sounds hopeful.

"See. We have to help." I agree with him.

Newt narrows his eyes at the boy for speaking, "You don't get a say in this!" He spits.

"Calm down Newt. Why are you hating on the kid?" Thomas asks as he stares Newt down. He definitely knows something's up. This is the second time that Newt has snapped at him for no reason.

The scream erupts again, causing Thomas to forget for a second.

"Lets check it out. One crank can't withstand all of us."

"Alright lets make it quick though. This place is giving me the creeps." Minho holds onto his supplies tighter as he looks into dark corners and broken windows. I couldn't help but to feel as though someone was watching us from behind those curtains so I nodded my head in agreement.

We mad our way through the twisting streets, the scream getting louder with each step we take.

Suddenly it stops. We halt in our place.

"Please tell me I'm just imagining that that scream stopped." Frypan begs.


"Maybe she was crank food. Would explain all the noise." Minho jokes.

"I don't want to be crank food!" Frypan screams.

"Seriously! We're not gonna be crank food. Maybe we just scared her." I suggest.

"I don't know if we should risk it Carly." Thomas looks around. "It's nearing nightfall, so we should probably leave. We don't know this area well enough to sta-" he's cut off by a girl appearing in a doorway.

She's beautiful. She's probably about four inches taller than me with straight brown hair and beautiful blue eyes.

Something about the way the girl stands sparks something in me, like a memory trying to force its way out. I can tell Thomas feels the same way by the look on his face.

She's staring directly at Thomas. Does she know us too? Is she from Group B? Aris has yet to say anything.

She retreats back into the house, silently beckoning Thomas to follow after her. I don't know how I know that from her expression, but I do.

He looks at me before going after her.

"Woah woah woah. Hold up one second!" Minho protests, putting his arm out in front of Thomas, "You're not seriously going in there right? What if she whips out a knife or something and shanks you?"

"I know she won't."

"You know she won't?! You don't even know who that is!"

Thomas rolls his eyes, pushing minhos arms away, "If I don't come back in ten minutes or if you hear me scream, come after me." His eyes dart to my face before he disappears through the dark doorway.

I begin to worry. I should have gone in with him. He is my brother after all. Stupid! Why don't you ever think of others, Carly?! This is why people get hurt because of you! 

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