Chapter 26

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Pain hits me in two spots.

The first is from Newt. He had seen the gun and jumped in the way, knocking me down with all of his body weight in the process.

But he was two late.

And that's where the second pain comes in. Way worse than the first by more than a hundred times. The bullet had torn through the muscles in my left shoulder. I could almost hear it when I saw the bullet go in with a wet thunk. I was just happy that Jack had terrible aim. Or else things could have been a lot worse than a bullet in the shoulder.

Everything is moving in slow motion before me and I think it's the drugs still affecting me from before. My eye sight still hasn't gone back to normal since we left the building.

Ironically the drugs slightly subdue the pain and I can't help but to laugh at the fact that they are doing some good.

My laughing concerns those around me. Especially Newt. I barely even noticed him hovering over me since the pain and the cloudiness of the drugs were taking over.

I begin to feel a moistness seep around me. I turn my head to see a pull of blood around me. Lots of it, mixing to a dark burgundy. Almost black. Or is the black from the fading light?

Black to light. Black to light. I so desperately wanted to fall to the darkness that was dragging me under. It was warmer than the ice cold air I felt around me even in the scorch. And in the darkness I couldn't feel the agonizing pain. I fought with it. I couldn't leave Newt. Pressure adds to the wound, like it's being pushed down on and the fire spreads. The wait settling on me is strong and, before long, my eyes slowly slip shut.

Newt's P.O.V-


I make impact with Carly just after I hear the sound of the bullet releasing from the Barrel.

I grit my teeth as I brace myself for the pain of the wound. Nothing happens.

A wetness seeps into my shirt as I look around frantically. I was too late!

Carly lays on the cement under me. Her eyes wide, not seeming to see anything, as blood oozes from her shoulder around her. No sounds come from her mouth but shaky breaths. Goosebumps cover her arms even though it's a hundred degrees. I process all of this in seconds before I react.

She laughs. Why is she laughing? Panic overwhelms as I stare at her emotionless face.

"Carly! Carly! Thomas help me!" My voice cracks as I press my hand onto her wound, pushing in. I have to stop the blood before she bleeds out. She's already lost so much blood. She's a small person she can't lose that much blood! Her eyes are fluttering and her breathes get slower with each rise and fall of her chest, "No no no! You stay with me! Do you hear me? Keep your eyes open! Carly! I said keep your eyes on me. Please don't leave me c'mon I just got you back! Carly! Please!" I sob as her eyes fully close. I know I'm applying too much pressure but I can't help myself. I need to keep the blood in. To keep her alive, "Why are you all just standing there! Help her!"

Hands grips my arms, pulling me away from her. I scream all the way, "No! What are you doing! Let me shucking go! I said let me go you bloody shanks!" Thomas and Minho have me pinned against the concrete wall, barely holding me back as I fight to get to her. Why isn't tommy helping me? She's his sister!

"Newt! You have to calm down! She's not dead! Calm down!" Minho screams in my face which makes me angrier. How am I supposed to calm down in this situation when the love of my life has just been shot right in front of me and I can't help her once again. I just got her back. I was in a chair for an hour without her. Wondering what was happening to her and fighting to get out. And now she's being taken from me again!

"She's not- I need to help her! You need to let me help her! Please! I will shucking hurt you! I'll do it Minho!"

"We aren't gonna let you go unless you slim it Newt. Jorge can fix it, but you have to let him do it." Thomas tries to sooth me.

My attention is diverted to something else other than Carly as I see a flash of movement to my right.


That piece of shit. I'm going to bloody kill him.

Minho and Thomas follow my eyes with theira, momentarily releasing their grip on me to see what I'm focused on.

I push past them, making my way towards the disgusting Crank. At first I only wanted to beat the living daylights out of them when they made eyes at Carly and then when they took her away from me. I wanted to kill the big blonde one when he hurt her, but him, I wanted him to suffer.

He had dropped the gun after he shot it. He must not have never used one before because his hand was shaking from the release of the shell after it fired. I'm glad he didn't have better aim but that didn't make me want to hurt him any less. I drag him by the collar of his shirt pulling him up and off the ground until he's eye level with me. His eyes are wide and filled with lunacy, the same smirk is glued on his face from before and I can't help but to growl in response, dropping him. I begin to kick him in the gut repeatedly trying to get my anger out but nothing works. He deserves this. I won't even be satisfied when I finish killing him. I'm surprised they aren't dragging me away right now but I guess they realize that he deserves it too. I pick him back up, bracing him up against the wall, before releasing punch after punch into his face. There's so much blood I can barely make out his features anymore.

"Newt! Stop! Trust me you don't want to kill him! Don't turn into something you're not!" Thomas begs me grabbing my arm.

"And how do you know what I am Tommy? You think you know everything! Well you don't! You know nothing! Why aren't you helping her!"

"I am Newt! Of course I am. But this isn't. Killing him will prove nothing."

"It will keep him out of this bloody world."

"Have someone else do it Newt."

"I want to do it." I growl through gritted teeth.

"Newt... please." Tommy pleads with me with his eyes and I get lost for a second. They are almost identical to Carly's, except his are a little darker. Looking at them makes my stomach sink as I think about what I'm losing. Who I'm losing. Not only will I lose Carly if she dies, but I'll lose myself in this world. I don't care what happens to this. I will no longer have a goal in life. My life will be completely and utterly pointless without her in it.

I look down at my blood covered fists. I should be ashamed of what I'm turning into, but I'm not. I can't even control my anger. I get joy out of hurting others and I've never thought I'd feel this way before. Man all of this must really be affecting me. Of course I would never hurt the people I love. Tommy is my best friend and hopefully my future brother in law, as weird as that is to say. I don't want our friendship to be ruined by one stupid mistake. And now looking into his eyes I can see how mad he is too. He's avoiding looking at the Crank, probably cause he knows he will attack him like me if he does. It was his little sister that got hurt and taken from him too. It was selfish of me to think that he doesn't care because I can see the red of his eyes. He's hurting too.

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