Chapter 16

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Newt's P.O.V.

We have two shucking flashlights and a bloody Crank as our guide. There's no way in hell I'm going to trust her and I'm definitely not going to let go of Carly. I'm probably squeezing her hand to hard out of fear of losing her but at the moment I can't focus on loosening my grip. If it wasn't for her deep breathing beside me, my anxiety would be raised to the roof.

"Are you sure you know where you're bloody going?" I ask in annoyance.

Carly's hand squeezes mine. I know she's trying to calm me down, but I don't like Brenda. Especially since Tommy is chatting her up. You can't date a shucking Crank Tommy. And as your best friend I won't allow it. This is different than me dating his sister, because all though she's extremely stubborn, she's not gonna eat me in the middle of the night when she turns bat shit crazy.

Well now that I think about it she might. But this is still different.

The tunnel were in is dark, as expected, and it reeks of sewer. Although I'm not surprised since we're practically bathing in feces. I seriously hope we don't catch any bloody diseases with all of these rats running around us.

Brenda has a flashlight and I have one. They illuminate the corridor ahead of us as we make twists and turns and I can't help but to feel as though we're walking in circles with no end in sight.

"Don't you think we're making too much noise?" Carly whispers. I know she's scared, but she'll never admit it. I'm scared too, but for different reasons.

"We're making too much noise with you jabbering." She hisses.

"And the flashlights don't give us away." She says with an attitude.

"Look we aren't the only ones down here, but we're almost there so just trust me."

"You keep saying that. And what about the others? Are they in the sewer too?"

It's so like Carly to be worried about everyone else but her self. She thinks she selfish, but she's the most selfless person I know. That's one of the many things that I love about her.  

"Jorge is taking them through the city. They are safer than we are. He won't leave us behind."

"How do you know." She asks in a small voice. She's hinting at something she wants to know.

Brenda sighs, "Jorge wouldn't leave me. He's basically my father. He took me in when I had no one and we've been together ever since." She sounds sad as she thinks about whatever terrible memory is replaying through her mind. It doesn't make me trust her though, she's still crazy.

I examine Carly to pass the time and to release my stress it always helps.

Her thick curls frame her small face perfectly, slightly sticking to it from the sweat. She has bags under her eyes from the lack of sleep but there's nothing I can do about that at this moment. I'd carry her, but with my limp, I doubt she'd get any sleep. Stupid limp.

Carly's hand tenses in mine, "Do you guys hear that?"

"Hear what?" Brenda asks bored.

I hadn't heard anything either.

"Talking. Coming from behind us." I can hear the fear in her voice, brining tears to her eyes and she leans closer to me as she looks back.

"Well we're in a tunnel, so it's probably just an echo."

"None of us were talking."

At that we stop to listen. At first I hear nothing, but as the seconds pass by I can hear slight shuffling, then suppressed laughter coming from behind us. I push Carly in front of me as we quietly push forward.

The sound of glass breaking behind us causes Carly to squeal loudly. I clamp my hand over her mouth and I can feel the tears starting to run down her face. She's scared out of her bloody mind! I've never seen her cry before!

"Go!" Brenda screams and she runs forward. I grab her hand tighter than before, pulling her alongside me.

Behind us, water splashes as feet pound after us, crazy laughter bouncing off of the walls. There has to be at least ten of them and they were definitely far past the gone.

We get to an end with three passageways and stop. Brenda panics as she thinks of which way to go. I turn around and flash my light down the passage we just can from. Nothing is there and it's gone silent. Carly is shaking in my arms.

Then a man steps out. His head is made up of bloody patches from where he ripped his hair out. He looks sickly and zombie like with torn clothes and bone coming through skin where there's no material. But the scariest part is his face. Not only because of the creepy smile he wears, but because of his nose. It's nonexistent.

Eleven other Cranks step out behind him. All with the same distinctive features. Bloody heads, ripped clothes, bones, and missing noses.

Carly whimpers at the sight of them causing me to pull her into my chest tightly.

"Hello food." He laughs deeply like he said the funniest thing in the world. The others laugh with him as they twitch. They were like ticking time bombs.

"Rose got my nose. She got all our noses." He laughs at that too, "You have a pretty noses", he points at us and my protective side comes out again, "Can I have it?" He laughs more menacingly this time and I don't know what to do. All I know is he's not coming within two feet of any of us.

They take one step towards us and that's when we take off, running down separate passage ways to split them up. We'd have better odds this way, although I had no idea how to get out even if we do get away.

Carly runs with me and I have no time to see if Tommy separated from Brenda or not. All I know is that I have Carly and four Cranks coming after us, including the man from before.

They laugh as they sprint but we luckily lose them every time we take a turn, although they see us at the end of the next.

I know what I have to do. But she's not gonna like it.

"Carly don't let go of me! Understand?" I grab her arm into mine so that she can't slip away. I can't lose her. I can't.

"What?" She breaths confused and panicked all at the same time.

I turn off the light, stowing it away in my pants and guide us down four other passage ways. I stop when we reach an intersection. I know we're at one cause I can't feel a wall anymore when I reach out.

They won't be able to see where we went in the dark so hopefully they'll go a different way.

I clamp my hand over Carly's mouth. She's breathing so heavily I fear she'll give us away. I know she's afraid but she needs to be quieter. The air comes through her noise just as loud, so I turn her around and bury her face into my chest to muffle the noise as she clutches me, wrapping her arms around my torso.

Minutes tick by and there is nothing to be heard besides our shallow breathing. I bury my head into Carly's hair to muffle my own breathing. Her heart pounds against my chest and I hold her tighter. I don't know what I'd do if anything happened to her. I wouldn't be able to live with myself I know that much. I will fight for her safety, or at least die trying.

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