Chapter 7

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I gesture to the table of food, silently ordering Newt to eat something. He listens for once, striding smoothly over to the table, even with his limp. Hurt welled in my chest at the thought of his limp but I pushed it aside for the moment.

I walked passed the Gladers sitting on the floor in front of whatever was blocking them. Are force fields real?

"Carly it's no use, we already tried it." Minho sounded annoyed as he fixed his perfect hair. He hated when things didn't go his way.

I ignored him, walking with my hands out in front of me.

My hands touched something and it startled me slightly. It was cold and smooth, like glass. Even though my hands were on it I still couldn't see it. I pushed my hand into it but nothing happened, fingerprints weren't even left behind which confused me.

Newt watched me from the mound of food as I followed the path of the wall, feeling it as I moved. Was there a doorway in here or a gap?

After I had went all the way to the other side of the room, I did it again just to double check before giving up.

I walk to the spot directly in front of him, tapping on the glass furiously.

He groans before looking up at me, "Will you stop that, that's very rude."

I scoff, laughing, "And killing innocent children is okay."


"I know who you are. I've heard your voice before. You put me in the maze."

He smiles faintly, "Then you should know that I have important information that I'm sure you would all love to here."

"Unless if you're telling us our trails are over, I don't want to know."

"Unfortunately, rules are rules. We still have 15 minutes before I've been authorized to implement Phase Two of the Trials. Please show your patience and leave me alone. You've been given nourishment and I strongly suggest you take advantage of it while you have it." He goes back to reading his book.

Phase two? So we aren't done. I knew it.

Even though I knew it I couldn't help but to feel shocked. Why had I let hope come in. I should have known nothing would ever be this easy.

Newt brings me a pear before sitting next to me, "You do need to eat. He's been here for a bloody hour. He's intent on waiting, so we'll have too as well."

I groan before taking a bite of the sweet pear. Man this tasted amazing after not having food for so long. My taste buds were practically leaping.

He chuckled at my expression

I stick my tongue out at him before taking another bite.

"Alright love birds we get it. You're both cute. Now stop before we throw up the food this ugly man gave us."

The man frowned slightly at Minho's comment and I couldn't help but smirk.

We sat on the floor in front of the shield for what felt like hours.

Finally the man, who looked like a rat the more I looked at him put his book down. He searched his drawer for a densely packed yellow folder, "Thank you for gathering in an orderly manner," he said in his nasally voice that I hated, "Please listen carefully."

"Why do you need that wall? If, you had anything good to say you wouldn't need a shucking wall to protect you from us. I'm going crazy like one of those, what are they called? Cranks! You keep telling us it's all gonna be over, but I'll believe that when Winston gets rid of his monster acne and Thomas over here actually smiles for once."

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