Chapter 4

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This has a spoiler from the Death Cure. I'm sure you have all read it or seen it at least, but I'm still letting you guys know just in case.

Currently, we were focusing on sleeping arrangements. There was nothing else to do and the only thing we were good at was arguing.

We had the rooms that we slept in, and this private single room from Aris. 'Private' being the issue.

"I don't know why we're even debating this. It was my room first! So it's my room." Aris was standing in front of the entrance to his room, arms crossed.

"Look kid, you're not getting your own room, how do we know your not gonna come kill us in our sleep if we don't have tabs on you all night?" Minho stated, pushing the kid aside as we made our way into the room, the rest of the gladers trailing behind us.

They rest of the boys couldn't care less about who received the room, but it was the only entertainment they had, so they came along.

"What am I supposed to kill you with? My bare hands?! You've said so yourself, there's 20 of you and one of me. What am I gonna do?!"

"Alright slim it shanks. It's just hard for us to trust you right now. How do we know that you know something that your not telling us? Because like you said, there's more of us, so you could be keeping something out of fear." Thomas shrugged his shoulders, thinking about who should get the room, no doubt.

"I'm not! I swear!"

"Either way, I think we'll all feel more comfortable if you sleep in the same room as us."

The boy sighed, defeated. He couldn't argue against us, no one would take his side, "So who gets it then?"

"Me!" Minho screams, jumping onto the bed.

"No, Minho! Get off before you break it." Thomas demands.

"Are you calling me fat."

"Yes. Get off."

Minho gasps in shock, holding one hand to his chest, his mouth agape, as he struts away from the bed. He crosses his arms and pouts, "If I can't have it, then who can."

"I think Carly should be able to get her own shower, without interfering without any one else. Don't you agree?" Thomas looked between us to see if we agreed.

I didn't care where I slept, as long as Newt was with me. I really did like the idea of getting some alone time with him though.

I could tell that Newt had the same idea, since he jumped up eagerly, "If Carly wants it, then I'm staying with her. She's not leaving my sight, especially with all the weird things happening around here." The last part was clearly an excuse for Thomas who would abject. I knew that Newt wanted privacy as much as I did.

Thomas's face turned red from anger. Oh no.

"No! That is not happening! You guys are not getting your own room and sharing a bed unsupervised."

"Cmon Thomas, we had one in the glade. It's not like we're gonna do anything. He just wants to make sure nothings gonna happen to me."

"I don't care, I didn't know I was your brother then. And if you really want protection and the room then I'll stay with you, not newt."

"There's only one bed Tommy." Newt wasn't going to fight his best friend, but I could tell that he really wanted to.

"I'll sleep on the floor."

"Just let me stay with her." He pleaded.

"No! You guys are close enough already."

"Yeah we don't need little newtys running around all over the place." Minho joked, smirking.

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