Chapter 32

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Newts grip on my hand tightens as he pulls me slightly out of view. We have until tomorrow night to reach the safe haven, so there's no time for inconveniences.

I'm almost glad to see the Group B. We have a greater chance of defeating wicked with higher numbers, but I don't think they'd be to willing to help by the looks of them.

I scan through their faces, searching for something, anything that could cause me to remember one of them. They must have been with us before the maze, and I felt something when I saw Newt and Thomas. So why didn't I remember any of them?

"Teresa?" Thomas asks in slight joy, being the first one to step forward.

I gawk at her as they march toward us, their hands gripping the weapons and their faces hard as stone. They look ready to stab the first thing that moves. I grab a hold of Newt's tense bicep in case he gets any ideas to advance.

Thomas takes another step before more girls seem to appear out of nowhere from behind her. We're surrounded. They all hold varying knives and rusty swords and spears. Some girls even had bows and arrows, their menacing tips already aimed at us. Ironically though I was only wondering where they found these weapons. They could have been useful to us back in the city. Did they pass through the city before us or did they skip it entirely?

I didn't know any of these girls, besides Teresa who seemed to have some fondness attached to my brother in some way. She wouldn't let these people hurt us right? They must know we're in the same situation that they are, just revered.

Group B pops into my mind, and how is tattoo says how they were supposed to kill him. But Minho's said he was the leader and he's not. And mine says the abandoned, but that hasn't happened either, so his couldn't be true.

Teresa stops about thirty feet away from our group. This all happens in a matter of seconds and I'm light headed from it all. I turn to take it all in. Each one of our new visitors stands swiftly, squinted eyes, weapons held out in front and ready. The bows were what worry me the most-we'd have no chance to do anything if one of those arrows flew from its home into one of our chests.

Teresa's eyes were focused on Thomas's, his on hers. I could see Brenda in the corner of my eye, clearly debating whether she should move to his side or not. I can guess what she's feeling. She needs to be by his side, but it might affect his safety if she goes. The surprise on her face from the mention of Teresa's name made her seem sad for some reason. But how could she possibly know about her?

"What's this crap about? Nice way to greet us." Minho speaks, casually causing danger as usual.

No one answers the question and an eerie silence sweeps over the group as the sun continues to rise. The heat beating down on us unbearably.

Teresa walks toward him again until she's only ten feet away from us.

"Teresa?" Newt asks, causing me to tense and squeeze his arm, "What the bloody-"

"Shut up," She says it calmly somehow making it more frightening, "And if any of you makes a move the bows start shooting."

She looks around the group, her eyes locking on Brenda's for a second before moving on, until she's standing directly in front of Thomas. I look back at Brenda who never drops her icy stare.

"Teresa," Thomas whispers. Confusion mixed with recognition etching onto his features. He doesn't even appear to be fazed, despite the spear in her hand aimed towards his beating heart. Despite the way her muscles tense as though she's about to slash him. Her face is unreadable except for the obvious unexplained anger there, "Teresa's what's-".

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