Chapter 31

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Carly's P.O.V

Everything happens in a rush. Flashes of light and faint memories make their way through my brain just as fast as they had appeared. I can't figure out for the life of me why I'm getting glimpses of my past when I hadn't even been stung. Even Thomas doesn't have the full effects of it and he punctured himself for answers. I can't grasp anything but I know their important. Something is telling me they are keys, answers to everything the world could need. But that seems impossible. If Wicked had answers, they wouldn't need us. Unless they wanted what they found to be a secret......


I don't remember making it to entrance of the platform, but I will never forget the way I feel when I see him standing before me. I jump into his arms without a second of hesitation, completely ignoring the fact that I have a bullet in my arm. He holds me tight against him and I pull away too soon to look him over and I'm relieved to find he's not injured. The air craft takes off behind me and I'm able to drag my attention towards the rest of the group.

Everyone has made it this far along and I can't help but to grin widely at that fact. Embracing my brother first, I reconnect with my friends and family. I even hug Brenda, and I'm glad to see her and to see that she and Jorge are okay. They've helped us with so much and I can see that Thomas and her have something. It might be nothing now, but later it could be something. He has my blessing, so I better have his. I blush at the thought.

Looking back over at Newt I see him standing with his palms turned up towards me and I know why. He's looking me up and down and I realize for the first time that I'm in clean clothes and I'm showered. Did I do that? I wouldn't doubt that they wiped that part of my memory. Let me have the luxury only to take it away. This isn't what shocked him the most though. His eyes lingered on my right shoulder and I realize I don't feel anything. Not in a numb sort of a way, but my shoulder feels normal.

I reach up and feel the skin there, expecting fire to shoot through my arm at the touch. Instead, I just feel softness. Pulling down the shirt slightly I realize there's not even a scar in its place. No one would believe that I had been  shot if they hadn't seen it for themselves.

Then I remember something. One thing of the many flashes in my head. They fixed me for him and Thomas. They knew we couldn't exist without each other. Are we really that vital to this experiment. If it hadn't been for them, would they have left me to die? And how were they able to fix me with out any scarring. I expected their to be at least minimal scarring, but there's nothing! Like it never happened. If they could fix a bullet wound like that, how come they couldn't cure a disease. Maybe we really are important. But that still doesn't make up for what they did. For what they're still doing to us and who knows how many other people in Group B. I will do everything in my power to end wicked. Not only for me, but for everyone who's been neglected or abused by them in and out of the maze.

"You're okay." Its not a question, but a sigh of relief.

"Yes, Thomas. I'm okay." I smile widely at my dirty brother.

Everyone looks exhausted and I can't blame them. I almost feel selfish for having taken a shower and receiving clean clothes. I was the burden who worried and slowed them down and they didn't receive anything from it.

"How much farther is it until the safe haven?" I look around to only see sand and an approaching mountain, a change of scenery from my vague memory of the bedroom. I remember how the alcohol felt entering my wound and the burn of the metal, so I shake my head to push it aside.

"We should reach it by tomorrow night. Just at the end of the two week mark." Jorge pipes in, "Good to have you back kid."

I smile at him and the new nick name, "Good to be back."

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