Chapter 8

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"We should probably get some sleep, love." Newt breathes down my neck causing me to shiver.

Everyone else has already gone to bed. It was a little past midnight but I kept double checking that we had everything. I couldn't help but feel if anything happened that it would be my fault.

Newt on the other hand was getting frustrated with something else, "It's getting late."

"Don't let me keep you up." I whisper back kindly. I didn't want him to be tired because of me.

He just sighed heavily in response, pushing my hair away to one side as he rested his head on the opposite shoulder.

"What's wrong?" Concern filled me. Was he getting sick?

"I know that you're worrying about more important things and believe me I'm worried too."


He chuckled, "But this is the last time that we will be alone in two weeks. Don't you want to take advantage of this opportunity."

It dawned on me what he meant and he did have a point.

"Everything's packed, you've quadruple checked it. And if anythings wrong we have time to fix it tomorrow. We also need a sufficient amount of sleep. So if we hurry now, we can do both." He pointed out, his voice pleading.

I look at his puppy dog eyes and my heart melts.

"I guess you're right." I wanted privacy as much as he did.

The second I agree he beams, grabbing my hand to lead us to our shared room.

"Wait don't you think we should shower first?" I suggested.

He groaned, making me laugh, "I'm just saying. When's the next time we're gonna get a shower? Two weeks? That's even worse than waiting for privacy." Actually it was a tie, but I still wanted a shower.

"Fine. You can go first."

"Thank you." I beamed, turning on my heel. I was getting tired though from all the stress and confusion of the past few dies. Not to mention all the energy that had been taken out of me from being sick. So, I shower quickly, washing my body and hair, before hopping out to dry off and brush my teeth.

I get dressed the second I feel dry enough so Newt can take his turn.

He seemed to be in a hurry as well as he brushed passed me once I open the door.

I quickly strip into what I normally wear to bed.

He came out of the shower moments later, water droplets still in his hair from the rush.

He made his way over to me, kicking at my at my clothes on the floors so he didnt trip.

It was weird planning our make out sessions. Usually they were spontaneous, but now I knew it was gonna happen. I looked down as he strides over to me, radiating confidence as usual.

He puts a finger under my chin, lifting my face so I'm trapped in his chocolate brown orbs.

My breath hitches in my throat. He is in the same outfit he's been wearing but freshly clean he looks different. Half of his fluffy hair was wet, and wet Newt very cute.

He smiles at me and tilts his head to the side. He definitely knows how attractive he is. Where did this sudden boost of confidence come from? In the glade he thought he wasn't good enough, but now, he acted as though he was the hottest guy in the world. He probably is if I'm being honest with myself.

I decide to indulge in my wants. Hell, they were practically needs at this point.

I placed my hands on his muscular shoulders as I stood on my tippy toes for a kiss. Unlike last time he was prepared, so instead of me falling he had his hands securely on my waist to hold me in place against him. I could feel the warmth coming off of him through his shirt. I imagined he would feel so much warmer without it. I shivered at the thought.

Newt's Girl the Sequel Where stories live. Discover now