Chapter 2

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I jolt awake as a blood curling scream pulses through the room. Newt and all the other gladers seemed to have been unaffected by it. I still didn't understand how these guys could sleep through everything. An atomic bomb could go off and they probably wouldn't even flinch in their sleep.

I gasped as a pounding sound came from the same place as the scream.

I had to fight my way out of newt's deaths grip to investigate, a layer of sweat coating me by the time I worked my way out. Jeez he was strong. In the maze, his clothes were so battered and stretched out that you couldn't see his figure underneath. Now he had a new compressive shirt that showed off his lean figure. I could see the outline of his abs and biceps when he lied down and it only made him more attractive. I stared at the sight of him for a few seconds longer, before moving towards the sound.

A window had appeared to the left of the door that hadn't been there the night before. It was a small square that had metal bars on it. I peered closer at it until I saw a pair of eyes staring back at me.

It was a half crazed Man, his eyes were wild as they darted back and forth, scratch marks racked is face where blood oozed from them. Patches of hair were missing on top of his head. He laugh a maniacal laugh, his shattered teeth glinting yellow in the morning light. I screamed as he shot a jagged hand at me through the bars, falling on my but and using my heels to push me away. I scooted away until my back was against the opposite wall.

"Carly!" Newt had instantly woke from my scream, running over to my side, "What's wrong?" Concern etched his features.

Minho groaned, "Can you keep it down? Trying to get my beauty sleep over here, not that I need it, but newty certainly does."

Shakily, I lifted my hand up, pointing to the window where the crazed man was. It was like he wasn't even human, the way he was acting.

"Bloody hell!" Newt protectively crouched in front of me .

Minho jumped from his bed, "What the shuck!"

Thomas and the others had woken up now, screaming questions and profanities at the man, "Was there a window there last night?" Thomas breathed.

I shook my head gingerly, "No."

"Let's go into the hallway to find those guards. Maybe they will have some answers, cause this guy is giving me the creeps." He runs over to the door pulling on it aggressively, "What the shuck! It's locked."

"Let me try" Minho places his hand on the knob, pulling it as hard as he could, but the door wouldn't budge.

"Why would they lock us in here?"

"Maybe so we didn't get lost in the hallways." Frypan interjected as he came up behind him, along with the other boys.

"No, I think it's something else. I don't want to be the bearer of bad news, but I think this is wicked guys. Or a group like them."

Newt shook his head in denial, "Why would wicked give us food and rescue us."

"Maybe they didn't. Maybe this is all part of their tests. To test our brain waves like they did in the maze."

No one said anything as the shock settled in. They had to admit it was a possibility.

"Well there's only one way to find out." Minho stammered, "We gotta get this door open. Even if we have to bust it open, cause I'm not spending the day in here with crazy trying to eat us. I know I look good, but I'd rather not find out if I taste it too." He pointed towards the window, but the man had disappeared.

That creeped me out more than seeing him there. I looked behind me to make sure there was nothing there as a shiver ran down my spine. I didn't like this.

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