Chapter 5

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Days passed as we waited for something to happen.


I think it had been 3 days, but there really was no way to tell since there weren't any windows to see the sky. This really was like prison.

We had plenty of water from the sinks in the bathroom, but without any food we all began to dwindle.

Thomas and Newt acted stronger than they needed to be. We all knew how they felt, the same as us, but they would only attended to our needs. They worried about me, a lot. But I was more worried about them. They were so much bigger than me so I couldn't imagine how hungry they were if I was starving.

There wasn't anything to do, so we just slept all day, not that we'd have any energy if there was.

Newt and I spent a lot of time alone together, but we weren't as passionate when the main thing on our minds was hunger. We would just cuddle on the bed while Thomas would sit on the floor in front of us. He still didn't trust us to be alone, especially after the other day when he came to wake us and my pants were on the floor.

He instantly got the wrong idea and flipped out on Newt. But he kept his promise and dealt with the situation in a matter of seconds. I was surprised at how calm he got with just a few words from Newt.

Currently Newt and Thomas were in the corner have a discussion with Minho. I knew they were talking about me from all the sideways glances they gave me. Sure we were all starving, but I was freezing, even though everyone else was constantly sweating.

Jeff guessed that I had a fever, everyone hoped it wasn't the flu. But without any medical supplies there wasn't much he could do.

Newt had me sit in the shower a lot under the hot water, but I could only do that for so long. In fact, it only made things worse once I got out and was exposed to the cold air.

The boys gave me the thin blankets on their beds, they were too hot for me them anyway. Newt would hold me in his arms every night even though I knew he was sweating because of it. He denied my protests and would only hold me tighter, even after I stopped shivering he wouldn't loosen his hold on me. Probably in fear of me getting cold again.

Thomas and him were a wreck about it though and I knew they were trying to think of a way to help me. The truth is I needed food, and they knew it.

I didn't like sitting there as they discussed me so I wondered to the room that I shared with newt. All the boys had been in the big room, where their beds were.

I knew that Newt hated when I wondered off but he was too preoccupied to notice. Besides there was only three rooms, it's not like he could lose me.

I found aris sitting on our bed. No one really talked to him, I felt bad, but what could we say? Sorry that you got separated from your friends but we still don't trust you?

I was gonna leave him be when I saw water in his eyes, so I sat against the wall across from him.

It was awkward because neither of us said a thing, so I deceived to break the silence.

"You okay?"

"Mhm." He wiped his face with his hands.



"I'm just asking because you don't seem okay."

"It's just," he breathes heavily, "Rachel."

My eyebrows furrow, "Who's Rachel?"

"She was the girl that came after me in the maze. We were really close."

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