Chapter 18

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We make our way through the twisting tunnels at an exceeding rate, Newt holding the cool metal of the flashlight in his hand, ready to attack at any moment if need be.

I don't know how to get out of here and I'm scared that the other Cranks will find us again. One was fine because Newt could take him, but what happened if four attacked us at once. Newt wouldn't be able to focus on the guy hurting him if one of them was trying to get to me.

My thoughts are interrupted when we turn a corner, running into bodies.

I muffle my scream with my hand before breathing a sigh of relief. Thomas and Brenda.

"Holy crap! Where did you guys go?!" Thomas asks angrily, grabbing me by the shoulders and spinning me around to check if I have any injuries like the protective brother he is.

"Where did we go? Where did you go?" I yell back just as angry, "You seriously couldn't have gone down the same tunnel as us?"

"Odds were better that way if they split up." He shrugs his shoulders.

"Oh yeah? And what if all of them collectively followed one group, leaving two of us with twelve of them. What odds are those, huh?"

Brenda rolls her eyes, "Can you two shut up you're getting on my nerves."

I'm about to yell at her when Newt does it for me, "Hey don't bloody talk to her like that!"

"Oh please. Don't give me this lovey dovey protective shit. No one wants to hear it."

Newt's nostrils Flare but I ignore her, "Are you okay Thomas?"

Sure I'm angry that he separated from us, when we had already been separated from the rest of our group, but he's still my brother and I still love him.

"Yeah. Brenda's fast. She could have been a runner. We got away from them really quickly and then we set out to find you guys." He admires her.

I hate the way he's looking at her. Like she's the greatest thing in the world, well I don't trust her. And the worst part is she's got my brother hooked under her spell. Just because she's pretty doesn't mean she's good.

"You guys didn't try and find a way out?"

"Thomas wouldn't leave without you." Brenda looks as though she wanted to, but had to do what Thomas said so that she could receive the cure. She was using him to get the cure. No one uses my brother.

"Wait. Did something happen to you guys?" Thomas's eyes go wide as he inspects the blood on Newt's hand and the flashlight.

"Yeah. But we're fine." Newt says flatly, as he takes my hand with his clean one.

"Why do you I feel like you're keeping things from me?" He asks sadly.

"What're you talking about Tommy?"

"In the Glade, you would tell me everything in detail. Even the things I didn't want to here, like the things about my sister. I wanted to shucking kill you for the things you told me about her but you're my best friend. We tell each other things," I look at Newt confusedly. What had he said about me to my brother that made him want to kill Newt? "Now you don't tell me anything. I know something happened between you and Aris. I already don't like the kid so I don't know why you feel as though you have to keep whatever it is a secret and now your not telling me about what happened with you and my sister. You're allowed to have secrets Newt, but not when they involve her! Understand?" He points a finger at me. He was more upset rather than angry, but with each sentence he spoke his voice got louder and louder and we're still in the tunnel.

"Keep your voices down or you're not gonna be able to tell each other anything ever again." Brenda says crossing her arms. She really did know how to ruin all moments, didn't she.

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