Chapter 35

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Omg! I'm so sorry guys it's been such a long time since I've updated. I haven't had the motivation to continue cause I just want to be on the third book, but I don't want to rush the end of the this one to get to that point. We'll get there slow and surely!

This chapter is gonna be a bunch of flashbacks. Enjoy and let me know if you'd like to have more of these or not! :) sorry again.

Carly's POV:

I'm running through white halls, making quick turns like I know where am I going. I can hear the tiny stammers of my feet against the smooth surface over my heavy breaths. Suddenly I stop in front of a door, knocking on it before pressing my back up against the wall beside of it, out of view from whoever's on the other side.

I hear the door slide open, staring at the blank wall opposite of me and covering my mouth with my hands to stifle a laugh.

Before I know it hands shoot out and grab my sides, pulling me into the room with it.

I scream while continuing to grin widely.

"You really thought you could get me again with that bloody scare of yours?"

I turn around to Newt. He's about 14 here and he looks roughly the same except shorter and less built than he is now. Still the same fluffy hair, sharp jawline, and chocolate brown eyes that I love so much.

"Hey it worked before."

"Yeah maybe the first two times you did it. I mean seriously Carly this is like the fifteenth time this week. Did you really think I was gonna fall for it every time?"

"How did you even know it was me?" I quirk raising an eyebrow before plopping down on his bed that smells of him.

"Because I can hear you breathing from the other side of the door. We aren't joking when we say you're out of shape. That's why you need to start coming to training with us."

I roll my eyes, flinging myself back so that I'm lying down on the bed, "Ugh that sounds awful." I draw out a groan.

He sighs, grabbing my legs and moving them so that he can lie down besides me. I hold back a grin at our proximity,

"Why can't you just do what they say?"

"You know why?"

"But for every little thing Carly? Doesn't it get old? They're just gonna keep getting irritated and then send you to your room without dinner or contact."

I shrug, "I like irritating them. I'm a very irritating person naturally."

He grins playing with my hair between his fingers, "Like I don't know that. What I do know is that when you get in trouble I have to watch you get yelled out and so does Thomas. And then we can't see you afterwards. It's affecting everyone. And this is stuff that is actually meant to help you."

"I know. I'm sorry. It's just whenever one of their minions opens their mouths I just fill with so much hatred. I can't do it! Oh and speaking of Thomas; he'd kill you if he knew I was in here right now."

He pulls me in closer, "I wonder why that is exactly?" He does that adorable gesture where he cocks his head to the side in faux confusion, smiling down at me before the memory blues and fades into another...

I'm in a classroom tapping my pencil furiously against the desktop. I look down at the worksheet everyone's working on. Math. Just by looking at it I could tell I knew how to do it. All of it. Instead, I drew pictures. My teacher having a heart attack, Chancellor Paige getting shot in the head, Rat man being eaten by a rat- I giggle in my seat at that one.

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