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@kira_matthews: Off For A Team Dinner <3 

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@kira_matthews: Off For A Team Dinner <3 

Tagged: england

Liked by dele, jesselingard, england and 25,034 others


@dele: my biggest fan looking beautiful 😍

@kiramatthews: we've got alli, dele alli ^😂❤️


@jesselingard: 😍🔥

@user18: who is this skank nd why is jesse commenting?

@user02: user18 exactly. she's probably a hook up

@jesselingard: user02 user18 she's my best friend actually

Kira's POV:

It didn't really bother me that I had haters. I got hate ever since I trained at Man City's ground for a while and people started to see me in the player's photos. Some people hated that I was with their 'idols' and tried to basically bully me out of my job, but I never listened to them and I'm so happy I did because I may not be where I am today. I messaged Dele asking if he needed a ride to the dinner and he said yes so I drove to the house I dropped him at earlier. I honked the car horn when I got to his driveway and he emerged. He was wearing a white shirt and ripped jeans and he looked amazing. When he got into the car, he kissed me on the cheek and told me I looked beautiful. I couldn't help but blush at his compliments.

When we got to the restaurant, he got out of the car before rushing to my side and opening the door for me. "Thanks Del." I smiled as we walked into the restaurant and over to the rest of the team. "Del?" He whispered to me as we sat down at the table. "My new nickname for you." He smiled. "Kira?" I heard Harry (Kane) say next to me. I turned and saw a woman sitting next to him. "This is my fiance, Kate." I shook her hand and smiled at her. It was nice to think I wouldn't be the only girl at a dinner surrounded with young guys. "So what do you do at the club?" She asked me. "I'm a medical therapist. I basically treat the guys if they have any injuries on or off the pitch." She smiled back at me and I could tell we were going to be good friends. We were talking for ages until eventually we heard Jordan (Pickford) say that Jesse had walked through the door. I turned to see him with a girl on his arm. She was so beautiful. Her curly hair looked so perfect and her hourglass figure was perfect. He was looking at me as he walked over and introduced her to some of the guys. I could tell that some of them were confused as to why she was here but I saw Marcus shake his head at Jesse, almost as if he was disappointed in him.

During the meal, I kept seeing Jesse looking at me. "He's looking at you, you know?" Katie asked me. I told her that we've known each other since we were kids and he was probably still surprised that I was back in his life. "Or maybe, he doesn't like you with Dele?" I shook my head, knowing Jesse didn't have any feeling towards me. He had this beautiful girl who must have been a model, so why would he want me? "No, he's got Jena. We liked each other when we were younger but we've matured now. He's obviously moved on so I'm going to as well." I knew Katie could tell the sadness in my voice but it was hard trying to convince myself that I wasn't still in love with him.

Jesse's POV:

I don't know why I brought Jena. I was hoping it would make Kira want me back but I think it's done the opposite of that. I was just finishing up my food when Marcus tapped me on the shoulder. "Jesse, why have you brought Jena?" I didn't have an answer. I couldn't tell him the real reason because I knew that he wouldn't understand why I did it. "Because, um, she's my girlfriend?" I replied, instantly regretting what I just said. Jena turned quickly and said, louder than she should have, "Jesse, are you asking me to be your girlfriend?" I looked over at Kira and saw her look down to the floor. Why had I done this? What was wrong with me? "Um, yeah?" As soon as I said it, I knew I'd done the wrong thing. Jena grabbed my face and pushed her lips into mine. "I think I'm going to go home now, guys. See you tomorrow at training." Kira got up out of her seat and quickly walked out of the restaurant. I was going to follow her but Jena had my hand gripped firmly. Dele got up and ran after her, like he was her boyfriend. It hurt me to know that Kira was probably expecting me to follow after her and instead it was Dele, someone she's known for a day.

Kira's POV:

I was standing outside the restaurant and felt tears forming in my eyes. I left them fall down my cheek as I stood out in the freezing cold night. Suddenly, I felt arms wrap around my shoulders. I turned around and saw Dele standing behind me. "Probably not the guy you thought it was, but I don't want you to be on your own when you're sad." I pulled him into a hug and felt so comfortable and protected in that moment. It felt like Dele was actually there for me and he didn't want to hurt me. "Do you want to come back to mine and watch a movie?" He asked. I nodded my head and we got into my car. He started playing his song again. "Is this the only song you know?" I asked, laughing.

"No, but it made you feel happy the last time you heard it, so hopefully it has the same effect now." He looked down to the floor. "Dele," I said. He turned to me but didn't say anything, "thank you." I drove to my house before going to Dele's so I could get my training kit. I could see Dele dancing in the car as I walked back to the car. He tried to play it off so I just laughed at how weird he was. When we got to his house, he told me I could wear a onesie he brought ages ago. I walked into his bedroom and saw it was a unicorn onesie. "You were gonna wear this?" I laughed. He looked embarrassed and tried to pretend that he wouldn't wear something like that, but I knew he was lying. "Don't worry, Del. I like it." He smiled and then walked out of the room so I could get changed. When I went downstairs, Dele was sitting in his living room. "Wanna watch a Disney film?" He asked. I nodded my head and jumped onto the sofa next to him.

When the film ended, Dele asked me if I wanted a hot drink. I told him I'd have a hot chocolate and he brought me one. "This has been nice." Dele said as he sat back down on the sofa. "Yeah, it's been good." I couldn't help but smile and blush at how adorable Dele was. He moved closer towards me and looked into my eyes. "Can I kiss you?" He asked. It was so cute that he asked me. I cupped his face and moved towards him before pressing my lips against his. He pressed back and it was sweet but passionate, too. We both pulled away and I cuddled up next to him. I hadn't felt this happy with a guy in a while and although it hadn't been long, I could really see something happening between the two of us. 

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