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📍Wembley Stadium, London, UK@kira_matthews: can anyone guess what team I'm watching train?? 💙Liked by: jesselingard, harrykane, ericdier, dele and 930,298 othersComments:@ericdier: umm, that's a difficult one 😂@jesselingard: you're supporting T...

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📍Wembley Stadium, London, UK
@kira_matthews: can anyone guess what team I'm watching train?? 💙
Liked by: jesselingard, harrykane, ericdier, dele and 930,298 others
@ericdier: umm, that's a difficult one 😂
@jesselingard: you're supporting Tottenham?!?! I feel betrayed 💔
@kira_matthews: sorry bestieee ❤️😂
@user35: anyone else hoping that now her and Liam have broke up, she'll get back with Dele?
@user98: @user35 yessss!! Especially now that she's watching him train!! ❤️

Kira's POV:

"Hey, guys!" I shouted as I walked out onto the field. Harry and Eric ran over and pulled me into a hug. Son followed soon after. "We've missed you, Kira." Son said when he hugged me. "I've missed you all too!"

"Mr Trippier?" I called out. Trippier turned around and ran over to me. "Oh my gosh, Kira! Welcome back, girl." I laughed and looked around for everyone else. "Where's the rest of you?" I asked. "Oh, they're probably in the changing room. Boss called loads of them in to talk about tactics for the game." Harry told me. I looked towards the dugout and saw some of the younger team come out. "I'm gonna go and see if they're there." I said, smiling and running towards the changing rooms. I knew that because Dele wasn't outside, he must have been in the changing rooms with the rest of the guys. It was going to be awkward, obviously, but I didn't want this to ruin everything we've built together.

I walked into the changing room and saw all of the boys gathered around the board with Pochettino showing the boys how he wanted them to play for the next game. "Anyone gonna welcome me back?" I laughed. Winks turned around and ran over to me, before picking me up and spinning me around. "Kira, you're finally back!" I never had a brother in my life and when I met Winks, I realised he was always going to be like a brother to me. Obviously I think of the boys in the team as my extended family, but I'll always be close to Winks. "Welcome back, Kira!" Rose said as Winks put me down. I looked around for Dele and as much as I knew it would be awkward, I still wanted to see him today. "Where's Dele?" I asked, continuing to look around. "I was just about to ask you that same question." Winks laughed. I looked at him, confused and Pochettino placed his pen down on the table and walked towards me. "This morning Dele messaged the boys saying he wasn't going to be at training, no explanation, so we all just assumed he was with you." I shook my head and told them about the date. "I'll try and find him. Hopefully he can explain why he didn't turn up today." I said goodbye to the rest of the guys on the pitch and ran back to my car. I didn't have a clue where he would be, but I needed to see him and see what was going on with him. In all the time I've known him, he's never missed a training session. Even when he was injured, he used to come down and sit in the stands to watch, or listen to the team talks between drills. I knew this was all my fault, and that was why I needed to make sure he was okay. The only place I expected him to be was his house, so that's where I went.

As I was driving along, I knew I needed to tell Lily where I was going to go as we were supposed to be going out for lunch:

Kira: bold

Lily: normal

"Lil, hey."

"Kira, what's up?"

"I just needed to tell you that Dele didn't turn up to training so I'm going to go and speak to him for a bit. I probably won't be able to come to lunch, I hope you don't mind."

"No, of course not, its fine. Go and cheer your man up!"

"Shut up, Lil. Actually could you please go and get the documents I had to sign for the tour. Jordan needs them but I haven't picked them up and the meeting's tomorrow."

"Oh my god, seriously, Kira. I'm comfortable in my bedddd."


"Fine. But only because I love you."

"Thank you. Love ya."

"Love ya, too."

I pulled up to his driveway and saw his car was there. "Thank God." I thought. Getting out my car, everything that happened in the past week came back and I remembered how much fun I'd had being around him. He made me forget everything that was wrong in my life and that was the best thing I could have asked for. I knocked on the door, softly and prayed that he was in. There was no answer after about 2 minutes of waiting outside, and I seriously considered just leaving, until I saw the door open slightly and that familiar face appear at the door. "Kira? What are you doing here?"

"Can I come in?" I asked. He moved from the door and let me in. "I just want to tell you I'm sorry, for everything. I shouldn't have kissed you if you didn't want me to, it was just that when you first came over we kissed and-" I cut him off by placing my lips on his. "Dele, this is my fault, not yours. I'm sorry that I ran off, I was just scared of loving someone again after Liam, but today seeing you again, it made me realise that I've always been so scared of something going wrong that I've never focused on the good things. And Del, you're a good thing." He smiled and held my hand. "So, what does this mean, for us?" He asked.

"Well, I want to try again, Dele. After everything that's happened to the both of us recently, I would love to be with the one person who's made me the happiest I've ever been." Dele leaned over and kissed my lips again. "That would be amazing, Kiki. I've realised that you're the only girl for me."

Old Habits - A Dele Alli//Jesse Lingard FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now