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Kira's POV:

Dele and I were sitting in our living room, watching replays of his last game. "Do you think we'll have another kid?" I asked him as I looked over at Caleb playing with some toys on the carpet. "Of course we will." He replied. "It feels crazy that we've got a little mini us."
"And he's the most perfect little mini us." Dele laughed as he took my hands into his. "Just because the tests didn't give the results we wanted doesn't mean we won't have another baby eventually."
"Yeah, I know." I sighed as I kissed Dele on the cheek. "What are we doing today, then?"
"Well I was hoping that all of us could go and get lunch somewhere." Dele smiled as I agreed to his suggestion. He picked Caleb up and spun him around in the air. In that moment I couldn't help but feel so extremely grateful that I'd been gifted with this life; a man who loves me with all his heart and a beautiful little boy. Even though when I'd heard that I wasn't pregnant I was upset, seeing Dele and Caleb together made me realise that instead of thinking about what could be, I need to focus on how amazing my life is now.

@kira_matthews: lunch with my two fav boys <3

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@kira_matthews: lunch with my two fav boys <3

Tagged: dele

Liked by dele, jesselingardofficialkyliemount and 2,092,327 others 


@dele: the calm before the caleb storm 

@officialkyliemount: miss you babes

@jesselingard: enjoy guys!

@user06: aww how cute!

After Lunch, Dele decided that he needed some new clothes so we went to a designer outlet near the restaurant. "I'm pretty sure you don't need any more clothes, Del." I laughed as I pulled into the car park. "Well I'm always pretty sure you don't need any more shoes but our shoe cabinet always seems to be getting fuller." 
"Hey!" I giggled as I slapped him arm playfully. Dele took Caleb out of his car seat and put him in his pushchair. We walked into the shopping centre and over to a clothing store. Instantly, Dele ran over to the aisle of bomber jackets and the piles of ripped jeans, so I took Caleb over to where the shoes were. I didn't want to prove Dele right... but the temptation to look at them was just too much! As I was looking at the high heels, I saw some further down in the aisle and turned around to take off the brake on Caleb's pushchair. I spun around and, he wasn't there. The pushchair was gone, and Caleb was gone. I ran between the aisles but he wasn't anywhere, he couldn't have just disappeared, that was literally impossible. My eyes were off him for only a second, I turned around for only a second and now he was gone. "Caleb!" I yelled as I ran around the store. "Caleb, please!" My knees went weak and I fell to the floor, sobbing whilst employees ran around the store looking for Caleb and customers hugged me and pulled me up to my feet. As a woman hugged me, I heard a familiar voice calling me from across the store. "Dele, baby!" I called as he pulled me into an embrace. 

The staff took us into a room at the back whilst we waited for the police to get there. "I don't get it, Kira. Were you not looking after him?" I pulled away from the hug instantly and looked up to meet his eyes. "Of course I was. I turned around for not even a second."

"Kira, Caleb is gone. Please, just admit to me that you weren't looking after him enough and I'll be fine. Just tell me that you weren't paying 100% of your attention to my son, tell me the truth Kira." I turned to Dele and my jaw dropped. "Listen to me, Dele. For starters, he's our son not your son."
"Yeah, I know. I didn't mean to say that but-"
"No. You did mean to say that." I interrupted. "I was paying 100% of my attention to our son and when I turned around, for a second may I add, I was still focused on him. I did not leave him, I did not walk off and I certainly didn't forget about him. Believe what you want, Dele but arguing about whether I love my son or not isn't going to get us anywhere." I stood up, picked up my handbag from the chair beside me and walked out of the room, hearing Dele call for me as I walked away. As I got out of the corridor and back onto the store front, I saw police officers talking to one of the employees who pointed them over in my direction.

"Hello, would you happen to be Miss Kira Matthews?"
"Yes, that would be me."
"Do you mind if we speak to you about what happened with your son today?"

They took me to another side of the store away from the crowd of staff and nosy customers. "So, can you tell us what happened?
"I swear to you, I turned my back for a second. I was holding his pushchair and then I saw a pair of heels I liked the look of and turned away for a second, a second! He was there, and then I turned around and he was gone. I don't know how it happened and I don't know why it happened but you have to believe that I love my son so much and I promise that I wasn't ignoring him." The policewoman put her hand on my shoulder as tears began to well in my eyes. 

"We don't think you were ignoring him, Miss Matthews." She said as she handed me a tissue. "We think your son was kidnapped and we don't know how just yet or where he is but we promise that we will return him to you safely and as quickly as we can." 
"Thank you so much."

"Now, you said that Caleb's father is here with you today?"
"Yes, he's just in the room in the back of the store." They began to walk off but I grabbed the officer's arm. "I know you can't promise me anything but please, please just promise me that you'll try your hardest to get him back for me. He means the world to me, please."
"We promise, Miss Matthews. We'll get your son back for you." 

Old Habits - A Dele Alli//Jesse Lingard FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now