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@jesselingard: everyone in high school that said we'd always end up together, guess you were right

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@jesselingard: everyone in high school that said we'd always end up together, guess you were right. this girl has been my best friend since I even understood what it meant to have a best friend. she was my right hand, we were practically attached at the hip throughout our whole childhoods and being able to call her my girlfriend might be the greatest honor I've ever had. you stood next to me and supported me even when I didn't believe in myself and I can honestly say i wouldn't be where I am today if you'd never came into my life. i love you so fucking much. 

Tagged: kira_matthews

Liked by kira_matthews, marcusrashford, lucialoi and 754, 980 others

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Jesse's POV:

It still confused me that Kira wanted to be my girlfriend. I'd dreamed of being with her nearly all my life and it feels even more amazing than I thought it would be. She's the only person that's been in my life before I got 'famous' and having someone stay with me throughout all of that, makes me feel so grateful. When she first started dating Dele, I thought I would never get her back but when she asked me to be her boyfriend, I couldn't believe it. I knew that I was always in love with her. Since we were young, I always felt there was something more between us and even though we dated when we were younger, I never felt like it was real. We were just two teenagers who were kind of forced together, but when we grew up and I moved away, I realized that she was the only girl for me. Some of the boys at United found out about Kira because we were looking through our old social media accounts and there was some photos of Kira and I. Marcus kept telling me to message her because he could apparently 'see I was in love with her' but I was always too scared to, so when I saw her at training, I was so happy. Then, she started dating Dele and it felt like I'd lost her for a second time, and now, I've finally got her back. 

I was on my way back from training and as I was pulling onto the road Kira's house was on, I saw Dele's car pulling out of her driveway. Obviously, I was annoyed but I wanted to hear from Kira before I jumped to any conclusion. As I walked through the door, I saw she was still lying in the same spot she was in before. "Jes, how was training?" She asked and ushered me to sit next to her. I went and crouched down next to the seat and kissed her on her forehead. "So," I mumbled, "Dele was here..." She looked at me and sighed. I saw her look past me out the window and thne she held my hand. "I was giving him the present I was going to give him for his birthday. We're done now, but I still wanted him to have it." I sighed, in relief. "But, why couldn't you just have given it him when it was his birthday?" I asked.

"It was a pair of football boots that he wanted. I thought he might want to use them for games or training." I was relieved that nothing went on, but I still couldn't help but feel weird that Dele would be wearing something all the time that Kira brought for him. I knew I needed to just get over it, but it would be hard. They were together, and they had memories together and I needed to accept that there would still be a friendship between them. I told her I was going to go and have a shower and she nodded. 

As I was coming down the stairs, I heard "Wanna watch a movie?". I walked into the living room and saw she had Netflix app on the screen. I nodded and lay down next to her on the sofa. She put Netflix on and we eventually chose a movie. I lay the blanket over the two of us and she cuddled up next to me. This, this was what I'd waited for for so many years. This was what I hadn't had with anyone else before. This was what I'd dreamed of since I was a little boy... This was love

A/N: Chapter 13 is... COMPLETE! I kind of feel bad for Jesse :( Do you think anything is still there romantically with Dele and Kira?!? Anyway, hope you enjoyed x

Old Habits - A Dele Alli//Jesse Lingard FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now