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"Dele..." I whispered. I don't know why, but I jumped off the stool and ran towards him. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around him and hugged him tightly. "I've missed you, like really missed you." He said. I smiled and snuggled my head into his neck. When I realised what I was doing, I quickly jumped down and awkwardly sat back down on the stool. "Are you two friends now?"

"Loads of things have changed since you've been away. Marcus is still my best friend." Jesse said. "And Eric is obviously still mine, but we kind of just realised that we really connected over things and our lives were pretty similar. We only ever argued over you and it was petty to continue an argument when you weren't going to end up picking either of us." When Dele said the last bit, he looked down and I could tell he was obviously sad about what he said, and I was going to tell him about Liam, but it all still felt so weird and surreal that I couldn't expect either of them to understand it, if even I didn't. "Congrats, by the way. I know I messaged you about it but it feels better speaking to you in person. I've got a gift for you and Liam anyway." Jesse said. I turned to Lily and felt tears welling up in my eyes. She ran over to me and pulled me into a hug. "I think we need to go now, guys. We'll see you tomorrow?" The boys nodded but I just ran out to the car. When Jordan got into the car and we began driving off, I started sobbing again. "I didn't think it was going to be this hard, Lil." She nodded and shushed me as she put her arm around me.

We got to the apartment and I went straight to my bedroom. When I walked in, I saw pictures of me and Dele everywhere. At first I was confused, but this was the apartment Dele and I shared before we broke up so obviously there would have been photos of us . It felt weird seeing him today, but it did feel nice. When I was in LA, it didn't feel like I really missed any of them, like, obviously I thought about them all sometimes but I didn't realise until I saw Dele and Jesse how much I'd actually missed them both. "Hey, Kira. Jordan wanted to know if you'd maybe want to go out for a little bit?" Lily said as she walked into my room. I nodded my head and she walked out of the room so I could get changed. Jordan said we could just go to a cafe somewhere in London and to be honest, after everything that's happened, drinking a coffee in a cafe in London with them was exactly what I needed.

@kira_matthews: special access to one of the most beautiful cafes in London

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@kira_matthews: special access to one of the most beautiful cafes in London. So happy to be back to my city with the most amazing friend I could ever ask for 💞 thank you for being there for me Lil and thanks Jordan for being the best manager I could ever ask for 💜
📸: @jordant_official

Tagged: lily_rosex
Liked by: jesselingard, mariahansen, lily_rosex and 942,091 others
lily_rosex: love you girl ❤️
jesselingard: was nice seeing you again bestie 💕
dele: glad you're back 💙
user92: so excited to see you at the O2 tomorrow 😍❤️

Kira's POV:

Jordan was trying to help me prepare for the questions I was going to be asked tomorrow. People were obviously going to ask where Liam was and why he wasn't with me and although it was going to be difficult, I would have to answer them. Jordan suggested lying about why he wasn't here but I knew that I needed to tell the truth because, well lying has ruined so many things in my life and I want to be honest with the people that have gave me what I've got today.

After a while, Jordan told me that he needed to go and speak to some of the producers for the show and Lily asked if I wanted to go out somewhere or just stay in for the night. "Uh, I think, I think I just need to see someone tonight." Lily nodded and I picked up the keys for the car. For some reason, I felt drawn to one place, a place where I hadn't been for 3 years but it kind of felt like I needed to be there.

I pulled up onto the driveway and got out of the car. It looked so different but like I was meant to be there. I walked up to the front door and knocked. At one point, I considered turning around and forgetting that I ever set foot on the driveway, but then the door opened and I was greeted with that same beautiful smile I'd missed.

Old Habits - A Dele Alli//Jesse Lingard FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now