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Dele's POV:

"Seriously Harry? I don't need your bullshit right now, okay? I just need to find Kira and explain to her what happened." I yelled as I walked away from Harry and Kate. "Dele! For starters, you need to calm down." He yelled back and ran over to me. "You can't explain yourself to Kira in this state. Just come back to mine for a bit and then go and speak to her."

"Do you think she'll forgive me, mate?" I asked Harry as we walked to his car. "It depends. What did you actually take the number for?"

"I took it because she was just there. It didn't mean anything, I promise." As we got to the car, I felt my phone begin to ring and looked at the caller ID to see it was an unknown number. "Hello?"

"Hello. Is this Mr Alli?" A voice on the other end asked. "Yes, who is this?"

"I'm a doctor at North Middlesex University Hospital. You are the registered next of kin to Miss Kira Matthews. Is this correct?"

"Yes, I'm her boyfriend. What's wrong with her? Has she been in an accident?"

"She was in a car accident earlier today. She's currently in the emergency ward in our hospital and we think you should get here as soon as possible."

My jaw fell open and I dropped my phone on the floor. Pieces of it flew into the air as it smashed on impact. "Dele? What's wrong? Del?"

"Give me your keys." I muttered to Harry and without hesitation he passed me his keys and him and Kate ran to the car with me. "Are you going to explain what's going on, Dele?" I ignored Kate as I drove as quickly as possible to the hospital.

When we pulled up to the emergency ward, I got out of the car leaving Harry and Kate behind and sprinted through the reception, following the signs to the emergency ward. "Hi, I'm here to see Kira Matthews." I said to one of the nurses standing at the doors. She directed me thought the ward until I saw Kira lying unconscious in a hospital bed. "Oh my God, Kira." I whispered as I ran up to her, pulling her body into an embrace. It felt so strange hugging her like this. Her body was so limp and unnatural, it felt like she was dead and I just hated it. I saw one of the nurses walk by and asked her what they were going to do. "Well, due to the condition Kira's in right now, we have no choice but to perform a caesarean section."

"No, she's not due yet. She's got a few weeks before she should give birth."

"It's not safe for your child right now with Kira in this state. We must deliver the baby and at the moment a caesarean is the only option. I'm sorry, Sir but we don't have a choice right now. We are doing the best for you girlfriend and child." I nodded, even though I didn't agree with what they were planning. Kira wasn't supposed to give birth for about 6 more weeks. As I sat next to her bed, I saw Harry and Kate run through the ward. "Hey guys, in here." I shouted. Kate ran in and gasped when she saw Kira. "What happened, Dele?"

"She got into a car accident. The doctors say they need to deliver the baby through a caesarean. She's too early, though. She's too early." I couldn't help but begin to cry at the thought of Kira being in the accident all alone and thinking about me being unfaithful. It killed me to think that before the accident, she thought I was trying to cheat on her. Nobody could ever compare to her, I wouldn't do that, not to Kira. Just as I held her hand, the nurses and doctors came into the room and told me they needed to take Kira for the surgery. "Listen Dele, mate. You need to let the doctors take her. Just think, mate, you're going to see your kid soon." I smiled as I looked up at Harry. "Yeah, mate." I took my hand out of hers and kissed her on the forehead before nodding at the doctors. They took the bed out of the room and down to the operating room. I wasn't allowed in so I had to wait out in the hallway. After what seemed like forever, a nurse walked out of the room and told me I could come in and see my child. I followed her through the door and saw a little baby in an incubator. "A little boy..." I whispered as a tear fell down my cheek. "He's so beautiful. Kira, you'd be so proud." I said as I looked over at her, still unconscious. I just wanted her to wake up and we'd all be a family.

Old Habits - A Dele Alli//Jesse Lingard FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now