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@liamjones: missed being w you

Liked by nathanarnolds, officialkyliemount and 1,903,258 others

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@kira_matthews: my fans seriously amaze me everyday! so grateful for you

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@kira_matthews: my fans seriously amaze me everyday! so grateful for you

Liked by jesselingard, lucialoi, mariahansen and 3,012,893 others


@user93: have you seen liam's recent

@user32: @user93 its so about her

@user04: is @liamjones's recent about u

@user21: are you cheating on dele?

@user07: seriously ur such a slut wtf


dele : kira wtf what is going on?

kira: wdym?

dele: look at liam's recent post

kira: omg that was from ages ago wtf

kira: dele

kira: baby please

kira: you have to believe me

dele: do you still love him?

kira: no i love you. i'm marrying you.

dele: he obviously thinks you do. so what have you done to make him think that

kira: nothing i swear to you

dele: leave me alone kira

kira: i swear on caleb's life del

dele: don't bring caleb into this

dele: leave both of us alone kira

kira: dele please

kira: baby?

kira: dele, please don't do this

seen at 10:29pm

Old Habits - A Dele Alli//Jesse Lingard FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now