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"Oh my gosh..." I whispered as I stood up and felt tears falling down my cheeks. "Kira, what's wrong baby?"

"It's him, Dele. How did we not notice before?"

"What's him, baby?"

"The roses, the teddy bear and he calls me his Princess."

"I'm still really confused. I don't know what you're talking about." Dele said as he took my hands in his and looked towards Lucia before shaking his head and shrugging his shoulders. I pulled away and stepped backwards. "Baby, you're scaring me. What's wrong? What's Liam done?"

"And the feather, oh my God. He gave me when we first met. He told me it was a sign of peace, how could I have forgot that? It's been right there in front of my eyes this whole time."

"I'm really confused Kira, I don't know what you're talking about."

"The fucking phone call with Ruby. It wasn't you she was talking about, it was him. I wasn't supposed to trust him."

"Kira, please sit down. You're really scaring me now."

"It's him Dele. He's the one who's been stalking me, leaving gifts in our house and smashing up your car. It's all been him, so I'd leave you and get back together with him."

When I said that, everyone came outside, including Jack. He walked towards me, his head looking at the ground.

"Listen, baby. As much as I hate the guy, you can't go around accusing people of doing that." Dele said as he took my hands. I looked over at Jack who couldn't look me in my eyes and stepped towards him.

"You knew, didn't you? You knew he'd been breaking into my house and trying to split us up?"

"Kira-" He tried to walk towards me but I stepped back.

"And you've been coming on holiday with us and having deep chats with me like we're best friends? When all along you've knew that it was him?" Now Maria walked towards us, obviously confused by the whole situation. "That's not true, is it baby?" He looked at me and didn't have to say anything, I could see it in his eyes. He pulled his hand away from Maria's.

"Yes, I knew." As he said it, I felt all the anger and sadness I'd felt for months come rushing through my body and my first instinct was to lunge at him. Dele held me back, but all I wanted to do was attack him. He knew, this whole time he knew who had been causing me and my family misery. Threatening our son and trying to split us up, and he still came on this holiday, smiled with us and acted like nothing had happened.

"Where you ever going to tell me? Or were you just going to let it get to a point where I was too afraid to leave the house?"

"I found out that he'd send you a gift with a letter saying you were meant to be together, yes. And, I knew he'd broken into your house when you had Caleb and he smashed your car and that was wrong I know, but when I found out about Ruby-"

"What about Ruby?" He went quiet and stepped back as if he wanted to retreat from this whole situation. "I wasn't supposed to say that."

"I swear to God Jack, tell me what the fuck is going on."

"He had stuff on Ruby, okay? Like personal stuff that she didn't want getting out. So he blackmailed her."

"Blackmailed her into doing what?" Dele asked as he now stepped in front of me and towards Jack. "Into taking Caleb. He told her if she told the police the truth he'd tell everyone this personal secret of hers. I told him it was wrong-"

"You knew?" I heard a voice crack from behind Jack. I looked to see Maria now in tears. "Baby, please-" He turned to embrace her but she pushed him away. "How long?"


"How long have you knew that Liam was the one who took Caleb?"

"Not long, but long enough. Long enough that I should have told someone but, you have to understand. He's my best friend, I've known him since we were little."

"So, you let him take my child not knowing what he was going to do with him?"

"He would have always kept him safe, Kira. He loves you, he wouldn't do anything to hurt you."

"I actually want to be sick. We brought you on holiday with us, with our children and all along you've known the truth and you've lied to us. You're a liar, Jack. Worst of all, I was really starting to believe we could be friends." Lucia stood up and pulled me into an embrace whilst I cried on her shoulder. Dele looked like he wanted to fight Jack but Jesse pulled him inside. None of us wanted to see him in that moment, I don't think Maria even wanted to see him.

"I'm so sorry, Kira. I never knew, I promise you I never knew." Her voice was cracking as she sobbed. "Come here." I whispered as she joined our hug. "It's not your fault. I'm sorry this was how you had to find out." I turned to look at Dele who now also had tears in his eyes and hugged him. "I just want to go home." I whispered and he nodded. "Me too."

Old Habits - A Dele Alli//Jesse Lingard FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now