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4 weeks before wedding...

"I've been waiting for this holiday for as long as I can remember." I laughed to Lucia as we boarded the airplane. Dele and I had organised a holiday to the Bahamas for us, Lucia and Marcus, Harry and Kate, Maria and Jack and Eric and Jesse as well as all the kids. "Are you joking? The kids haven't stopped asking about this holiday since we found out about it." Kate laughed as we sat beside each other. "I know it sounds like a stupid question, but are you excited for the wedding? This is your last holiday before you become Mrs Alli!"

"It sounds so crazy when you put it like that. I can't wait to be Dele's wife, it just feels like everything I've ever wished for is finally coming true. I've got the man, the family, the job, the friends, I finally feel like everything I've wanted is complete." I smiled as I looked over at Dele as he held Caleb on his lap.

Skip Flight...

We landed and as soon as I stepped off the plane, the heat hit me. "Mommy, can we go swimming?" Caleb asked as he gestured for me to lift him up. "Not just yet sweetheart, Mommy has to unpack first."

"I can take him swimming if you want me to." Dele said as he took Caleb out of my arms. "Talk about getting away from doing any work." I laughed as I kissed Dele. We got into the taxi that we already had booked and headed to the villa.

The villa was absolutely beautiful, and absolutely massive. "Whoa..." Lucia whispered as she held my hand and ran into the villa like a child. "Calm down, Luce. We don't need any accidents on the first day of the trip." Dele called out as we walked into the villa.

"Sorry!" She shouted back. We both giggled to ourselves as we walked through to the back garden. It had the most beautiful view of the beach with an infinity pool. As we looked out, I felt someone hug me from behind and looked over my shoulder to see Dele smiling. "This is like our pre-wedding honeymoon." We both smiled as he placed his head into my neck. "Have I ever told you how much I love you?"
"All the time." I giggled as he kissed my neck. "Have I ever told you how much I love you ?"

"All the time."

"That's good then, now we both know. Well I knew the moment I saw you, but this was just good clarification." He nodded and I turned around to place a kiss on his lips. "I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you and make adorable little babies and grow old together. You're everything I've ever wanted, you know that right?" I nodded and kissed him again. "And I can't wait for you to finally be an Alli."

"Neither can I."

A/N: Sorry guys, just a little filler chapter!!

Old Habits - A Dele Alli//Jesse Lingard FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now