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Four weeks later...

Kira's POV:

"So what do you want to do today?" I asked Dele as I snuggled up to him on the sofa. He kissed the top of my head and then replied, "as much as I would love to spend the day with you, I've got a promotional shoot with the team in an hour so I won't be home until later." I pretended to be upset but his smile broke me. "I guess I'll have to watch the rest of this series by myself then." I joked, sticking my tongue out at him. "You wouldn't dare." He laughed back. "Go and get dressed for your shoot, I don't want you to be late." He got up off the sofa and upstairs to our bedroom. As I lay on the sofa, I looked down at my stomach and smiled. I'm so grateful that I get to raise my baby with this man, he's the most perfect boyfriend I could ever ask for and I know he's going to be the best father to our baby.

After about twenty minutes, Dele came back down the stairs in his Spurs tracksuit and kissed me on the cheek before leaving. I wasn't sure what I was going to do all day considering Dele was gone, Jesse and Marcus were training all day and Lucia had work, so I was basically the only one not doing something. Just as I turned on the next episode of the series, I heard a knock at the door. "Weird." I thought to myself, I wasn't expecting anyone. As I opened the door, nobody was standing there, but there was a box on the floor with a ribbon on top. Seriously, Dele is such a sweetheart when it comes to gifts. I giggled to myself as I took the box into the living room and closed the front door. I took the lid off the box and inside was a small teddy bear with a heart on its front, a single rose, a typed letter and one white feather. The letter read:

Dear Princess,

Your smile is engraved in my memories and your laugh rings when I'm sitting in silence. I wish I had the chance to hold you in my arms because I'd never let you go. You probably don't know who I am, but that doesn't matter because you will find out eventually. You're as pretty as a rose and you'll never understand how important you are to me. We could be special Kira, you're so special and I'm not going to give up on you again. We're meant to be together and I will prove it.

I quickly threw the box across the floor. Whoever sent me this knew where to find me, they knew my address. I was alone in the flat by myself and they knew where I lived. I knew that I couldn't sit there in fear for hours until Dele got home, so I decided to carry on watching the television (an umbrella at my side just in case)

Just as I got up to walk into the kitchen, I heard the door knock. Through the glass windows in the door, I saw a tall, dark figure standing there looking around him. "They're back."I thought to myself as I ran back into the living room and picked up the umbrella before tip-toeing towards the door. "My boyfriend's going to be home soon, so if I was you I'd leave." I shouted as I got to the door and looked through the keyhole. Dele stood there looking back at the door. "Oh my gosh, Dele." I exclaimed as I opened the door and pulled him into a hug. "What's wrong, Kiki?" I explained everything to him about the present and showed it to him. I could tell he was just as confused as I was. "Do you have any idea who sent this?" Dele asked. I shook my head and maybe it was the hormones from the pregnancy but I couldn't help but burst out into tears. "Del, after everything we've been through, a crazed stalker is the last thing we need right now." He embraced me as I cried into his shoulder. "Maybe we should move out of here for a bit. There's got to be somewhere else we could stay for a while, just until we can secure that all three of us are safe."

"I'm sure if I speak to my Mom we can stay there for a bit." He smiled at me as he caressed my stomach. "I can't wait until we're all here together as a family." I kissed him as he sat beside me on the sofa. "Oh, I forgot to say Harry and Kate are coming round later, I hope you don't mind that I invited them over."

"Of course not."

A Couple of Hours Later...

"I hope you didn't mind the food. We don't exactly have much in at the moment." I laughed as I sat on the sofa next to Kate who was watching Dele and Harry play Fifa on the Xbox. "Don't worry, Kira. When I was pregnant with Ivy I was eating whatever leftovers I could find in the house." We both laughed together making the boys turn around and smile at us. "But seriously girl, how are you coping?"

"Yeah, I'm good actually. Dele has been the perfect boyfriend through this pregnancy and I can already tell he's going to be the most amazing father to our child."

"Well I'm really glad for you. Have you found out the gender?"

"No, we decided that we'd wait. As much as I'm usually a very impatient person, we decided that after everything that's happened recently, the gender of the baby was the last thing on our minds. I'd be happy with a little boy or girl, but I'm quite with the idea of a mini Dele running around playing football with his daddy." Kate smiled at me as she pulled me into a hug.

After a few hours, Kate and Harry left and it was just Dele and I in the apartment. We'd decided that my Mom's house was the perfect place to stay for a bit so we were going to move in some point the following week. I hated that we had to move out of our home just because of some deranged person who thought they had a chance to take me from Dele, but I'll make it my mission to never lose Dele again. He's the best thing that's ever happened to me and he gave me the most precious gift I could ever ask for, and I'll never be able to thank him for that.

@kira_matthews: nice girly chat with @kate_gooders much needed, we need to do this more often <3 photo creds: @harrykane

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@kira_matthews: nice girly chat with @kate_gooders much needed, we need to do this more often <3 photo creds: @harrykane

Liked by harrykane, dele, kate_gooders and 832,901 others


@harrykane: two beautiful girls in a photo taken by one beautiful man

@dele: @harrykane you wish broo

@kate_gooders: we definitely need to do this more often <3 love you girly

@user32: love these two

@user81: the two best wags of the spurs team

@unknown_user: so beautiful princess

Old Habits - A Dele Alli//Jesse Lingard FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now