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Kira's POV:

"Oh my God, Liam. Stop it!" I giggled as Liam began tickling me. "No, definitely not." He replied back, tickling me even harder than before.

"Yo, can you two get a room or something?" Nathan called over, mimicking being sick. I quickly jumped up and pushed Liam's hand off me. "Nothing's happening, nothing happened." I said, getting up and walking over to Leah, Kylie and Lucia. "I hate this." I said as I hugged Lucia.

"What's wrong, babe?" Lucia asked as she pulled me closer. "I just want to see Dele and my baby, Luce. I just want to go home. I just want to forget about some people." My voice became quieter as I looked over at Liam joking around with Louis. Lucia pulled me away from everyone into the hallway and sat me down. "What has he said to you?" She asked me.

"He told me that he regretted leaving me, and that he wanted me back." I felt a tear fall down my cheek and Lucia wiped it away. "Listen, Kiwi, you need to think about this. You can't leave this life behind, it's not possible, there's a baby involved now."

"Luce, I don't want to leave Dele. I love him with all my being, he's the only one I want to be with. I don't even need to think about that."

"So, why are you crying?"

"I can't help but think about how things could have been different. Like, what if Liam never left me, would we have a child together now? We'd be married and we'd be spending the rest of our lives together. Everything could have been so different, Luce and the life I imagine having with Liam doesn't seem horrible, and it kills me to say that."

"Everything happens for a reason, Kira. Life would have been different if you hadn't met Jesse, if you hadn't ran into Dele, if you hadn't posted your covers, if you hadn't lost Lily, if you hadn't gone to LA with Maria. Fate happens, Kira. And after everything you've gone through with Dele, don't you think fate is telling you this is your destiny?"

"Yeah, yeah it is. Thank you so much, Luce. I need to talk to Liam but I'll be back." Lucia pulled me into a hug and I walked back into the room, signalling for Liam to come outside with me.

"Hey, what's up?" He asked me as we sat down on a bench outside. I shivered at the sudden wind and he placed his jacket around my shoulders. "Liam," I whispered, giving him his jacket back and moving away from him. "Listen, I still think about how everything could have been different if certain decisions weren't made. The life I could have had with you would have been perfect." He smiled at me and cupped my chin. I moved my head. "But it was the life I would have wanted when we were together, not the life I want now. The life I want now involves my little boy and marrying Dele, the love of my life. We could have worked in another universe and I'm sure in one of the other million timelines we're sitting on an LA beach, drinking cocktails and talking about our wedding night with our children." We both laughed. "That's another timeline though, my timeline now wants to be with Dele."

"I get it. I messed up and you've moved on. I'm happy for you and Dele, I really am. I hope he treats you like the Princess you are. One last thing-" He took out a single red rose from his backpack. "A red rose, its a sign of beauty... for you."

"Thank you, Liam." I smiled as I pulled him into a hug.

Old Habits - A Dele Alli//Jesse Lingard FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now