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"Oh my Gosh, Kira. What are you doing here?" Liam asked as he walked towards me. For some reason, I didn't move when he walked towards me and pulled me into a hug. "I could ask you the same thing."

"My management said that they wanted to speak to me."

"And how long have you been working under this management? Have you and Serena moved over here?"

"Oh, Serena and I, we're not together. Relationships don't usually work when you're not with the person you want to be with. After we broke up, I moved to England to work with a new management, and here I am." He's not talking about me, is he? No, there's no way he's thought about me after all this time. "Well anyway, I'm really glad I've seen you today. I'll probably see you around soon." I smiled as I walked through the corridors to the office. I couldn't believe that I'd just seen Liam. After all this time, it felt strange to see him, but it was nice. When I reached the door, I saw that there was a group of people in there that I didn't recognise. "Hello, I've been called in for an emergency meeting?" I asked. They ushered me in and told me to sit on the chair. "Hello Miss Matthews. We have been speaking to your current management and we have decided that we would love it if you could participate in a new idea we have created. It involves some of this company's most amazing artists touring the world together in an attempt to draw more press to this company. This would work out perfectly for us and for you. You would get more fans worldwide as well as a hefty sum for your participation. So, what do you say?"

I was speechless. "Oh my Gosh, I would love to participate. Obviously I'll have to speak to my family. Having a toddler now might be a bit of a restriction but so far, I am really interested in being involved with this. May I ask who else is being involved?"

"Of course. Our list includes you, obviously, Jayden Cook, Louis Smith, Leah Richards, Kylie Mount, Nathan Arnolds and Liam Jones."


"I know you have history with Mr Jones, but we were hoping your differences could be set aside for this tour. Obviously if that isn't possible for either of you, we would have to take one of you off the tour." I nodded and smiled as I said goodbye and picked up my bag. How was I supposed to go on tour with Liam again? It didn't exactly go very well the last time.

When I got to my Mum's, I opened the door and Caleb came running toward me. "Woah, baba. You almost sent me flying but Mommy is so happy to see you." I picked him up and swung him around. Hearing his little giggles always made me smile. "So, how was it? What did they say?" My Mum asked me. "Hey, Caleb. Do you want to go and get your things together while Mommy talks to Nanny." He nodded and ran into the living room. "Well, they want me to do a tour with loads of other singers from the company."

"Kira, that's amazing! Why aren't you more happy about this? This is what you've been waiting for."

"You haven't heard the worst bit yet, Mum. Today I walked through the reception and guess who was standing there, Liam. Mum, Liam."

"Like Liam Jones. Like the Liam who broke your heart?"

"Yeah, Mum." She grabbed my hand and held it. "Why is he here? I thought he was living it up in Spain with his ex."

"He told me that it didn't work out because he still had feelings for someone else." She gasped. "Is it you? Does he still have feelings for you after all this time?"

"I don't know Mum, but they want him to be involved in this tour too and how am I supposed to do that?" As I asked my Mum what to do, I felt my phone vibrate. I unlocked it and saw a message from Dele:

dele: hey kiki i'll be home in about an hour and the reservation is in two hours

dele: sorry i forgot to ask how was the meeting?

kira: it was good i'll talk to you about it over dinner

"What if he doesn't want me to do it, Mum?" I asked her as I turned to look at Caleb thinking about the things I'd miss if I did a tour now. "If he says no to an opportunity like this, well, let's just say I'd be disappointed for the both of you. I think you're stronger than getting jealous of an ex at this stage of your relationship, sweetheart. It's not like before, there's a child involved now, you'll always have a bond." I smiled and nodded. "I need to get home now to get ready for this dinner. Thank you again for having Caleb tonight." She hugged me as I kissed Caleb on the forehead and left. My Mum was right, I had no reason to be worried about Dele or Liam. Dele and I were stronger than ever and all I was doing was going on a professional tour that Liam just so happened to be involved in. It was fine, everything was going to be fine.

Old Habits - A Dele Alli//Jesse Lingard FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now