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Five Months Later..

Dele's POV:

"Come on, Kiki. It's almost seven o clock at night and we've got to get going, we promised Maria we'd go to dinner with her." I walked into our bedroom and saw Kira still laying in the bed. Lily's death had took such a toll on her and since her death, she began drinking and partying. This was nothing like her and it had completely changed her. I understood that this was going to be a difficult time for everyone but she's starting to turn into someone I don't know.  "Leave me alone, Dele." She groaned from the bed. "Seriously, Kira. You need to get ready." She sat up from the bed, threw the quilt off the bed and stormed out of the room, slamming the door as she left. It no longer felt like I had a girlfriend, it felt like I was looking after a moody teenager. I sighed deeply and followed her out the room and downstairs. "Kira, why are you acting so childish? Just get ready and see your friend."

"Dele, just leave me alone. Can you not see I don't want to talk to you?" She ran up the stairs and I couldn't be bothered to follow her so I sat down in the sofa she'd been sitting on before. After about fifteen minutes, she came back down wearing a short, tight black dress with black heels. "That's a bit dressed up for dinner, don't you think?" I laughed. She picked up her bag and threw it over her shoulder. "I'm going out." Without allowing me to say anything, I heard the door slam and looked out the window to see her pulling away in the car. "Really? Running away?" I asked myself. I knew I had to call Maria and tell her we wouldn't be able to come to dinner. It hurt me that this was the new Kira, one who didn't care about people who she used to love.

Kira's POV:

I pulled up to the nightclub, knowing tonight I was going to get hammered. "I don't know why he's so worried about me?" I thought to myself as I walked into the club and into the VIP club. As I walked over to the booth, I saw Jesse sitting by himself. This was the first time I'd seen him for a while and when I noticed it was him, I ran over to him and he pulled me into an embrace. I sat down next to him and we spoke about United and Mourinho. "Why are you here?" I asked him. He laughed and whispered, "I could ask you the same thing."

After a few hours, we were still sitting there together talking, flirting, dancing. It seemed wrong but then at the same time, it seemed right to be with him. "Why did I ever give you up?" I asked as I whispered into his ear. He grinned and placed his hand on my thigh. I looked up from his hand to his eyes and for the first time in a long time, I saw that same beautiful sparkle in his eyes. With no doubt in my mind, I pulled his face towards mine and pressed my lips onto his, passionately. "We shouldn't be doing this." He whispered as we pulled away. "Have we ever done anything we're supposed to?" He chuckled and placed his lips on mine again. "Is your house free?" I asked him. He nodded and I took his hand in mine before leading him out to the taxi outside. "This is so wrong." He told me as we got into the taxi. "Oh, well. It feels right, doesn't it?"

The taxi pulled up to Jesse's house and when we got out, his lips were attached to mine again. We got into his house and he led me upstairs. He lay me down on the bed and I felt his lips trail my neck, leaves kisses in its wake. I looked up and suddenly realised what I was doing. I was cheating on the man who had always put me first, helped me when I was down and loved me unconditionally even when I treated him like shit, he didn't deserve this. "I'm sorry, Jesse. I need to leave." I pushed him off me and ran out the door, picking up my shoes as I ran out. Calling a taxi to come and pick me up, I sobbed as I recalled all the good things Dele had done for me and how I'd completely betrayed him.

I walked through the door and saw Dele sitting in the living room, the television on but muted. "Where have you been?" He asked me, some aggression in his tone. "I, uh, just went out, with some friends." He stood up and walked to the kitchen putting the glass in the sink. "I know that's not true. Kira, you need to stop lying to me." His voice was now soft, that same broken tone that used to ring in my voice every time I spoke about Lily. I gripped Dele's hand and looked into his eyes. "I'm sorry Dele." I whispered. He pulled his hands away and stepped backwards. "It was just a kiss, I stopped him before we had sex, I promise. Jesse was just there and it..."
"It was Jesse? You cheated on me, with Jesse?" He no longer sounded angry, just really sad and that hurt the most. I wanted him to scream and shout, throw glasses across the room and watch as his face turned red, but he didn't. Instead, he sat on the sofa and went silent. "I can't do this anymore." I heard him say. I looked up from my hands and saw he was now looking at me too. "All you've wanted to do recently is drink, party and ignore the people who love you. You're my world, Kira but it's starting to feel like I'm your babysitter, not your boyfriend." What he was saying was true, but I wanted him to hug me and tell me we could get through it, not just give up and walk away. "Please, Dele. You're everything to me. I can't lose you, not now." He took my hands in his once again and placed a tender kiss on them. "You've had to deal with so much and I get that it could affect you, but it's not fair that I'm on the receiving end of your pent up rage about Lily."
"I know, and I'm sorry. Please just forgive me and we can move on from this."
"No, Kiki. We can't just move on. I'll always love you and I'll be here for you, but for now I need to have a break. We need to have a break." Tears fell from my eyes as I heard those dreaded words. I gripped his hands harder now, almost as if I was hoping that this would make him stay. However, he pulled his hands away like before and passed me, walking out of the living room and out through the front door. When the door closed, I broke down. Sobbing violently as I lay on my living room floor. Why did I do this? Why did I let him go? I couldn't believe that five months ago, I was the happiest I'd ever been but now I lost both of my best friends, my boyfriend and I hadn't advanced my career at all. Everything was going wrong, and it was all my fault.

Old Habits - A Dele Alli//Jesse Lingard FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now