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3 weeks before the wedding...

It had been a week since we'd got back from the Bahamas and a week since we'd found out the truth. The police had been informed about Liam and they'd spoken to Ruby who eventually told them the truth as well. She wouldn't tell them what he had on her, but it must have been pretty big to lose everything for. Her sentence was shortened, but she'd still miss out on some of Lola's life which for some reason really upset me. The police have a warrant out for Liam but nobody's seen or heard from him in weeks apparently. As soon as we got back from the holiday, Maria split up with Jake. Every time she's spoken to me since, she apologises a hundred times even though she did nothing wrong. She says that she didn't know how she didn't spot it, but Jake never gave off any signs that he was lying, so how was she supposed to know? Dele and I have hugged our little boy tighter every night before bed because our lives could have been so different and we would have had no control over it. It's scary to think that somebody who I loved was capable of evil like that, but I guess I didn't know him like I thought I did. The Liam that I fell in love with was kind and caring and goofy, not manipulative and cruel. Something changed him, I'd hate to think it was me but a part of me believes I'm the reason he's like this. Luckily, we've only got 3 weeks before our wedding and that means that soon enough I'll finally be married to the man of my dreams and that's all I'm thinking about right now.

Lucia and I were sitting in the changing room of another shop she'd dragged me into when I saw a call from an unknown number. Instantly my heart dropped, this was Liam trying to contact me. I didn't know what to do, but if it was him, I wanted to hear what he had to say.


Hello Kira, it's Ruby.

Oh, hi. I wasn't expecting a call from you.

I know, and again, I'm sorry for letting him do this to you. I've hated myself every day for listening to him but in the heat of the moment when you're scared, sometimes you'll do anything for a bit of reassurance and that's my biggest regret, truly.

Is that what you wanted to say to me? That you're sorry?

Well, yes but also no. I know we spoke about this before and I know that it's probably the last thing you're thinking about with your wedding coming up, but I was wondering if we could talk about Lola.

Lola? What about her?

She's going into foster care, but I know you already know that because you were asking about her.

Yeah, she's a child Ruby. Just like me when I almost went into care and it was the scariest time of my life. I felt so alone and like no one wanted me, and I didn't want Lola to feel that way.

Exactly, she doesn't deserve to be punished because her father's a waste of space guy and her mother's even worse.

What are you suggesting, Ruby?

I know it's a long shot, but you're the perfect mother Kira. You're everything my little girl deserves. She's so smart and kind and she has little quirks that make her so special and in a way, as much as I hate it, she kind of reminds me of you. Whenever I did something stupid, she'd tell me how to make myself better and when she got a good grade in school, she promised me that next time she'd do even better because that's who she is. She always strives to be a better person, like you. After everything you've been through in your life, you've grown up to be someone that inspires so many people and you've shown that even though your life could have easily been so much worse then it is now, fighting for things always gets you what you want and that's all I want my daughter to know.

Thanks, but I'm still confused about what you're trying to say.

I want you to consider letting Lola live with you whilst I'm in here.


I know I haven't been nice to you in the past and I don't deserve your kindness but my daughter has never done anything wrong. She doesn't deserve to be passed around in foster care, dreaming about having a real family. You and Dele are amazing parents to Caleb. Please, just consider it. I'm really sorry for everything Kira and good luck at the wedding. I truly hope you have an amazing day.

Old Habits - A Dele Alli//Jesse Lingard FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now