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Kira's POV:

I was sitting in my hotel room, cuddling Lucia as she cried about Marcus. It broke my heart that Marcus seriously thought something was going on between Lucia and Nathan, they just became close whilst we're on tour. "Kira, why would he think I'd do that? And now he won't answer me. Kira, this is it, isn't it?"

"Don't talk like that, Lucia. He's just being childish, he'll get over it." She sniffed and nodded. I knew I needed to speak to both Marcus and Jesse. "Wait here, Lucia. I'll be back in a minute."

As I walked through the halls, my phone began to ring. I saw Jesse's caller ID pop up:

Jesse: bold

Kira: normal

Hey, Kira. You wanted me to call.

Yeah, Jesse, I did. Who the fuck do you think you are, seriously?

What do you mean? Oh, this is about Lucia.

Yes, Jess. This is about Lucia and the fact she's sitting in my hotel room sobbing her eyes out because you and Marcus are acting like five year olds.

Five year olds? She's the one out with someone that isn't Marcus.

As friends, you dickhead. She's not going behind Marcus's back, alright. You're not here, you're not on this tour so don't try and make up little stories about what she's getting up to.

Kira. Stop raising your voice, seriously. Beans is my best friends and she's hurt him, I'm just sticking up for him.

I understand that Jess. Lucia is my best friend and I'm sticking up for her by telling you the truth. Nathan and her are friends, that's it.

Who spends that much time with someone that's not their boyfriend? She obviously wants Marcus to get jealous.

If you're using that mindset then that means me and you can't hang out anymore.

What do you mean, Kira? I never said I didn't want to hang out with-

You just said a guy and a girl can't be friends. I'm going now, call me back when you stop acting like a child. Oh, and get Marcus to grow up and speak to Lucia.

I walked back to my hotel room and saw Nathan standing outside the door. "What's wrong? Has she kicked you out?" I laughed.

"I don't know what to say to her. I just feel like this is all my fault, I never meant for her to get hurt." I gave him a hug as I opened the door. "Go and talk to her, Nath. You've done nothing wrong and Lucia knows that."

Old Habits - A Dele Alli//Jesse Lingard FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now