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@kira_matthews: two big announcements in two days?!? guess what power couple will be touring around Europe later this year!! Definitely stopping at my home town #londongal 🤙❤️ 

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@kira_matthews: two big announcements in two days?!? guess what power couple will be touring around Europe later this year!! Definitely stopping at my home town #londongal 🤙❤️ 

Tagged: liamjones
Liked by jesselingard, ericdier and 983,209 others
@jesselingard: finally get to see my best friend again!! ☺️👍
@ericdier: gonna have to watch a show 👌🔥
@harrykane: Kate's going to be so excited! You'll have to have at least one training session with the boys ❤️⚽️
@mariahansen: I get a free ticket to the London show right? 😂❤️
@user67: oh my god, I've never been more excited in my lifeeeee 😱
@user29: anyone else realising it's gonna be the first time she sees Dele since being with Liam? 🤔
@user80: already asked my mom 😂👌

Dele's POV:
So I'm finally going to see her after three years of being apart. I bet she didn't think about me once, but I thought about her. I thought about how different it all would have been if I hadn't cheated with Ruby and how amazing it would have been if I'd had Lola with Kira instead of her. I've seen her with her new boyfriend, or should I say fiancé. They look in love. I just want her to be happy and if he makes her happy, than I'm glad she's found someone like him. Ruby's been trying to call me since I found out about her and that guy. I'm not sure what to do because I obviously want to see Lola, I've been the one by her side through all of her life and I don't want to just give up on her, but she's not mine. Everything was all a lie and while I developed a relationship with her thinking she was my daughter, she was really the blood of someone else. I wonder if Ruby had been seeing him while we were dating? "Dude?" I heard from the living room. I walked in and saw Eric sitting on the sofa watching Man U vs Liverpool and lay down on the sofa opposite, "yeah?"

"Have you seen that Kira and her new fiancé are coming to London?" I nodded and looked down at my phone, trying to avoid any further conversation about them. "Mate, it's okay to feel confused. You haven't seen her in three years and the first time you see her again, she'll also be with the man she's planning to spend the rest of her life with." I sighed deeply and put my phone down beside me. I turned onto my back so I was facing the ceiling and even though I knew that I would be so scared, regretful and probably still madly in love when I saw her again, I mumbled back, "I'm over her."

Kira's POV:

"So, we've decided that we want you to start the tour earlier than expected. Preferably within a few months we hope for you to be preparing for the tour." Jordan (my manager) told us as we sat in the meeting room. It all felt so surreal, but amazing too. It was so amazing that I would finally be going on tour and spending time with Liam at the same time is the best thing about all of this. I knew we were going to the UK at the end of the tour and one stop was in London and even though I felt a bit anxious about seeing everyone again, it's going to be great seeing my family after so long being away. My mom is excited about meeting Liam and I can't wait to see Maria, Jack and little Louis and see how much he's grown. "Can you believe that this is real?" I whispered to Liam as Jordan walked out of the room. He turned to me and smiled. "I can't wait to meet my in-laws, I just hope they like me." I held his hand and told him that my family would love him. I leant over and kissed his lips softly. "I love you so much, do you know that?" He laughed as I pulled away. "And I love you too." I replied back, still holding his hand as Jordan walked back into the room. "So, guys. We've been looking around and we want you to do some promotion for the tour before actually going on it so me and the label were wondering if you guys can travel to Croatia first, followed by France, Spain and finally the UK." Liam nodded and I looked over at him, feeling nervous about the whole trip. What if the tour goes wrong and I mess up for the both of us? "Don't worry, babe. You'll be fine." Liam whispered, almost as if he could read my mind. I smiled, weakly and nodded.

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