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Kira's POV:

"So, Kira. We're going to go to the audience questions." The interviewer asked. I sighed deeply and smiled, turning to the audience. Jordan told me that it was definitely going to be the interviewer who asked me about Liam, knowing they would need press stories so because she didn't, I knew I could finally relax. I'd been so anxious and on edge the whole interview so I could finally be myself. The interviewer pointed to a girl in the audience. "Why is Liam not here with you? Have you broke up?" I turned to the other side of the stage where Jordan was and he could see he was smiling at me, I knew he could tell that he was trying to calm me down inside. "Well, um, we basically-" I stuttered. The words weren't coming out of my mouth and I could feel my chest becoming tighter as I spoke. "We decided that, uh, we weren't, um-" I breathed. My breaths were hitched and I felt that I couldn't breathe. I turned to the interviewer and she placed her hand on mine, trying to help my breathing relax. Lily was calling me from the sides and when I turned to her, I saw Jordan, her and another person standing behind them. Suddenly, Dele ran onto the stage and sat next to me on the sofa on the stage. He pulled me into a hug and feeling his arms around me, calmed me down slightly. "Hey, guys. I'm really sorry to have to do this but as you can all see, Kira's going to need to leave. I know that all of you will understand because Kira's fans are amazing people, but she really needs to calm herself down for a bit and this is kind of a sensitive subject for Kira at the moment. Thanks guys." I heard Dele say to the crowd. He helped me to my feet and we walked off stage together. Lily and Jordan took me backstage into the dressing room and Dele sat down next to me. "Kiki, you need to breathe." Dele whispered to me as he gripped my hand. His words made me breathe deeply in and out. This carried on for about 10 minutes until I'd calmed my breathing back down. "I need to tell people. I need to tell them." I told Dele. He nodded and gave me my phone from my bag.

@kira_matthews: so, i guess i have some things to tell you all

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@kira_matthews: so, i guess i have some things to tell you all. first of all, the people in this photo are the most amazing people ever. jordan and lil, you've helped me so much through stuff that have happened recently and I can't believe I've found two best friends who I also work with! on a sadder note, I'm sure some of you have guessed by now, liam and I are no longer together. before people being to speculate when and why, liam and his ex fiance serena are back together again. i believe that both of them are happy now and i wish them the best in their lives and relationship and although have felt quite sad recently, liam allowed me to have so many life-changing experiences and i will forever be thankful for the opportunities we have had together. i loved liam and i'm sure people will think that either one (or both of us) were using our relationship for popularity or fame, neither of us were and we both loved each other. i'm sorry if i can't do some of the things i've promised, but i will definitely continue to do the tour that liam and i promised to do. i'm sorry if you guys brought tickets to watch both of us. love you guys so much xx

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