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3 years later...

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@kira_matthews: so 3 years since I met this beautiful boy and I never thought that this would happen

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@kira_matthews: so 3 years since I met this beautiful boy and I never thought that this would happen. everything that's happened in my life has come to this point. I love you @liamjones 💍❤️

Liked by liamjones, jesselingard, mariahansen and 1,048,925 others
jesselingard: congratsss 🎉☺️
mariahansen: my bestie's getting married!! 😭💕
liamjones: love you baby 💍❤️
user08: @user62 our hopes of her and Dele getting back together are officially done 😩😭
@user32: finallyyyy 😌❤️

Kira's POV:

So, yeah, Liam finally engaged after almost 3 years of waiting. After I got the call about staying in LA for modelling, I told Liam and he asked me out on another date. A few dates later and he asked me to be his girlfriend. These past few years have been the best years of my life. My modelling career is at its peak and I got noticed by a recording label after I posted a video of me doing a cover of 'Treat you Better' by Shawn Mendes onto my Instagram page. Also, Maria and Jack now have a little baby called Louis and he's the most adorable kid ever. Jesse and I have never had a stronger bond and although he says he'll never stop having feelings for me, he's so sweet about my relationship with Liam and I know he'll always be there for me. We did go through a phase where it was a bit awkward but we both came to the conclusion that our friendship was the most important thing for both of us. I haven't spoken to Dele since he left and to be honest, I haven't thought about him that much. According to Eric, Dele and Ruby are in a really good place at the moment. It took me a while to forgive Eric for what he did to Maria but I'm glad that we've moved past everything. Him and Maria speak occasionally and I think it's good that they're trying to be civil about it all, even though I know it's really hard for Maria to forgive Eric. "Baby girl?" I heard Liam shout from upstairs. His music career is doing so well and ever since Louis was born, Jack decided he wanted to focus on his family and quit the duo so now Liam does his music solo. At first, I was worried that people wouldn't like that Liam had decided to go solo but the support he got was amazing. When I found out about Liam's solo career, I asked my label and obviously they wanted to sign him. It's so nice having him around and because we're on the same label, we make songs together all the time. I ran upstairs and saw he was staring at his phone. "Look, they want us to do a tour together!" I ran to the phone and saw an email from the recording company asking the two of us if we wanted to do a tour around Europe. "Oh, my gosh! This is amazing!" I exclaimed, pulling Liam into a hug. He pecked my lips and I pushed him onto the bed before cuddling up next to him. "I love you so much, do you know that?" I whispered into his ear and kissed his cheek. He put his arm around my shoulder and I felt my eyes begin to shut.

I woke up still cradled in Liam's arms. "Morning, baby." He groaned as I got up off the bed. "Want some tea?" He nodded and I slugged down the stairs and to the kitchen. Turning the kettle on to boil, I sat on the sofa and put the TV on before grabbing my phone and scrolling through Twitter. I saw someone had retweeted a picture of Ruby and Lola and for the first time, I felt nothing. It didn't feel like I'd just seen a picture of the two people that changed my life forever. The reason I lost the person who I'd believed was my future; it just looked like I'd seen two people, a mother and her daughter, who meant nothing to me anymore. Sometimes, I did think about Dele. I'd scroll past a photo of him from a fan or I'd see a tweet directed at him from Eric, and it used to hurt, but now... it just feels numb. When I thought about mine and Dele's relationship, it seemed like such a  blur now, like the relationship was just a dream, or maybe, just a well-masked nightmare.

Dele's POV:

@dele: my world 🌎 ❤️

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@dele: my world 🌎 ❤️

Tagged: rubymae

Liked by rubymae, ericdier, harrykane and 928,753 others

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Lola's growing up too fast. Ever since I saw her almost three years ago, I fell in love with her and that beautiful smile gets me every time time. Her puppy dog eyes get her everything she wants, and I'm so glad that I get to be a dad to such a perfect little girl. I was looking on Instagram when Ruby walked into the living room, followed by a sleepy Lola. "Can you watch Lola for a bit? I need to head to the shops and pick up a few things." Obviously I nodded my head and picked Lola up onto the sofa next to me. She snuggled up beside me and I turned her favourite movie, Moana, on. After about twenty minutes, Lola sat up and turned around to face me. "Why does Mommy get to see daddy and I don't?" I smiled, confused but thinking she was just being silly. "What do you mean, princess?"

"Well, Mommy has gone to Daddy's, hasn't she?" I sat up and put Lola onto my lap. "Sweetheart, what are you talking about?" She crossed her arms and sighed. I felt her grab my hand and she stood up off the sofa before walking to the door. I followed her up the stairs and saw she was going to her bedroom. "Are you still sleepy?" I giggled, understanding the reason for her nonsense. We got to the door and she reached under her bed and she pulled out a box. I opened the box and saw several photos of her, Ruby and some mysterious guy. "Who's this, Lola?"

"It's Daddy!" She exclaimed, obviously annoyed. "I go to Daddy's every weekend." I held Lola's hand as I continued to go through the pile of photos. "But, sweetheart, I'm your daddy." She sighed again and picked up one of the photos. "No, you're my pretend daddy. This is my real daddy." I looked at the guy in the photo and saw the resemblance between him and Lola, but, no, it couldn't have been true. "Lola, what have I told you about lying to me and mommy, it's bad." She stood up and replied, "I'm not lying. Mommy said that you're my pretend daddy and I have to act like your my daddy. She said that if I don't, then she will be sad with me." I could feel the tears forming in my eyes. It felt ridiculous to think that what Lola was saying was true. She was just a four year old girl who didn't know what she was talking about, that was the only logical explanation, wasn't it? As I put the photos back into the box, I heard the door slam shut from downstairs. I got up and stormed down the stairs, a picture of all three of them together still gripped in my hand. "What the fuck is this?" Ruby turned around and her eyes were instantly drawn to the picture in my hand. Her eyes widened and her jaw basically dropped to the floor. Quickly, she tried to grab the picture from my hand but I put it behind my back and asked for an explanation. "It's nothing, Del. Just a photo of a friend." Lola came strolling down the stairs and ran over to Ruby. "Mommy! Are you taking me to see Daddy?" Ruby looked up from Lola and our eyes met. The tears were now rolling down my cheek. "Really?! Pretending I had a kid is taking all of this to a whole new level, Ruby!" I exclaimed. She grabbed my arm, but I pushed her hand off. "No, Ruby. Please, just tell me it's a lie." Tears were forming in her eyes and she tried to place her hand in mine. "I'm so sorry, Dele. Please just listen to me, okay?" I grabbed my coat off the railing and ran out of the door.

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