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@dele: get you a girl like @kira_matthews ❤️ not only did she buy me tickets to LA, but being able to call her mine is the most amazing gift I could have ever asked for

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@dele: get you a girl like @kira_matthews ❤️ not only did she buy me tickets to LA, but being able to call her mine is the most amazing gift I could have ever asked for. I love you Kiki x
Tagged: kira_matthews
Liked by kira_matthews, ericdier, jesselingard and 673,086 others
@kira_matthews: LA here we come, baby 💞
@ericdier: the gang in LA 🤟
@jesselingard: have fun guys
@user03: these two are so cute xx
@user54: ew, she's so ugly. dele could have better
@rubymae: @user54 exactly 😒

Dele's POV:
We were on the flight to LA and Kira was talking to Maria and my mum while me and Eric were talking about some of the new Spurs signings. When we were talking about this one kid who's in the younger team, the pilot told us we'd be landing shortly so we all went back to our seats and put our seatbelts on. Kira came and sat back next to me and as we were descending, I felt her hand grip mine. "Sorry, just a bit scared." She laughed, still gripping my hand. I kissed her cheek and held her hand, "I won't let anything happen to you." She smiled back at me and the tight grip was loosened.

When the plane landed, Kira ran off, followed by Maria. "We're in LA baby!" Kira exclaimed before hugging Maria. Eric and I laughed before he ran off to Maria and Kira. As I was staring at Kira, my mom stood next to me and whispered, "you're really in love with that girl, aren't you?" I turned to my mom and nodded before looking back at Kira calling me over. "Don't let her go, Dele." My mom said before getting her suitcase and joining the rest of the group. I knew my mom was right. I had to make sure I never let Kira go, she's the best thing that's ever happened to me. "So," I said when I caught up with Kira, "where's our hotel?" She pointed out our Uber, gave him the location of our hotel and smiled, "be patient, babe."

As the Uber pulled up outside a massive building, I turned to Kira and asked if this was were we were staying and she said yes. We got out the Uber and Maria and Kira led my mom inside to the waiting area while they checked into the rooms. "You've got yourself a keeper there." Eric said as we were getting the suitcases out the boot. "I know." I said, smiling. The receptionists took ages to check us in but eventually we were sorted and Kira told us we had rooms on the top floor. She gave my mum her room key and then gave Maria the key for her and Eric. We got to the floor and saw our rooms were practically right next to each other. "We're neighbours!" Maria exclaimed to Mum and Kira. All of us laughed and then said goodnight to each other, as it was now almost 12am. Kira opened the door and to be honest, it took me a while to take it all in. It was a white room with a hot tub on the balcony and a mini bar in the living room. "Do you like it?" She asked.

Kira's POV:
"Do you like it?" I asked, desperately hoping he would say yes. He engulfed me in a hug and kissed me. "Kira, you did all this for me?" I'd asked the staff if they could put the banners I mailed for them which said 'Happy Birthday Dele!' on and balloons were dotted around the room. I nodded and he kissed me again before whispering, "I love you so much." 

Old Habits - A Dele Alli//Jesse Lingard FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now