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@kira_matthews: 'in all the wide world, there is no more desperate a creature, than a human being on the verge of losing a love' - Atticus

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@kira_matthews: 'in all the wide world, there is no more desperate a creature, than a human being on the verge of losing a love' - Atticus

Liked by jesselingard, mariahansen, lucialoi, marcusrashford and 964,059 others

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Kira's POV:

Eric and Louise had decided to go back with Dele so it was just me and Maria in LA. Before they left, Eric told Maria the truth and it turns out he's been messaging loads of different girls, so Maria broke up with him. I know it hurt her to find out, but I think she's just finally glad that she wasn't being completely paranoid. "You know, we should totally just go wild!" I laughed. Now that her and Eric broke up, I've seen a different side to Maria. It seemed like Eric may have held her back a bit, but now her absolutely crazy personality is like her mood 24/7. "We should totally go to that festival." I turned to look at her, that wasn't a bad idea. "Oh my god. How cool would a festival be?" Maria exclaimed. She pretended to beg which made me laugh. "okay, FINE." Maria found out some outfits for the two of us and we decided to go to one of the festivals at the beach.

When we got to the beach, Maria asked a woman to take a photo of us for her Instagram. "Babe, look at how hot we look!" She turned the phone round and to be honest, we actually did look pretty good. "Yeah, we look good." She sighed and grabbed my hand. I saw she was dragging me over to the bar. "I'll have a Pina Colada." Maria called to the bartender and I told him I wanted a Sex on the Beach. I sat down on the chair and we were approached by some guy. "Yo, babe. Wanna have a dance?" The guy asked Maria. She turned to me and I nodded. The guy took her hand and she blew me a kiss before running off with him. I was sat, alone, for what seemed like forever. To be honest, I probably looked like an absoluet weirdo. Just some lonely girl sitting at the bar, drinking an excessive amout of alcohol and staring off into the sunset, thinking about that one person. I was snapped out of my daydream by a tap on my shoulder. Suddenly, an attractive guy was sat beside me, a beaming smile plastered on his face. "What's a beautiful girl like you doing here alone?" I looked down to the counter and giggled quietly. "My best friend ditched me." He smiled back and held his hand out. "Name's Liam, and you would be?" I stood up off the bar stool and shook his hand, "Kira."

"Well, Kira. Would you like to dance?" I guided him to the DJ booth and realized that the DJ was Justin, he was the boyfriend of a girl I model with. "Oh my gosh, Justin, hey!" I exclaimed before running up and hugging him. Liam looked really confused so I explained the whole model thing. He smirked, "you're a model?" I didn't like telling people my job because people have told me that they think I get money for doing nothing, but I felt like Liam was different. When I said goodbye to Justin, me and Liam made our way over to a fire pit near the shore. "So, what are you doing in LA?" I asked him. "Oh. Me and my best friend sing." I nodded my head and smiled before looking out across the sea. It looked so beautiful at night, the way the moon hit it and made the sea almost look like it was glowing. As we sat down on the sand, Liam opened my hand and placed something in it. "What is it?" I laughed as I looked down. It was a white feather. "A feather. A sign of peace, to reassure you that I'm not some crazed axe murderer." I laughed and admired the view in front of me. "So what are you doing here? Modelling?" I looked back at him. "No, I brought this holiday for my boyfriends birthday, but then he broke up with me." He moved his hand and tucked my loose hair behind my ear. "What did you do wrong?" I looked at him confused. "What makes you think I've done something wrong?"
"You're beautiful, sweet, funny and caring. Why would there be any reason for him to break up with you, if you hadn't done something wrong?" I smiled at him and put my head on his shoulder. "He got another girl pregnant, and he wants to be with her and their kid."
"I'm sorry, Kira." Liam whispered as we both looked up into the sky and followed the stars. "Do you think there are other people out there?"
"Who knows? We can't be the only creatures in this galaxy." I took my head up off his shoulder and looked into his eyes. For some reason, I really wanted to lean in and kiss him and I was going to until-
"KIRA!" Maria yelled as she stumbled over to me and Liam. "I need to go home. I've had too many." She looked like she was about to get sick so I held her up and said goodbye to Liam. When we got in the taxi, I realised I hadn't gotten his number, but maybe that was for the best. My emotions were just all over the place. I'd just lost the love of my life, I wasn't thinking straight, but I felt something between me and Liam. We were almost by the hotel when I realised that I had an Instagram notification:

 We were almost by the hotel when I realised that I had an Instagram notification:

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@mariahansen: who needs men when I could just have a best friend 👭💕

Tagged: kira_matthews
Liked by kira_matthews, lucialoi, dele and 321,489 others
@kira_matthews: sisters before misters 🤞💕
@ericdier: beautiful 😍🔥
@user84: have Dele and Kira broke up?
@rubymae: @user84 yeah 😏
@kira_matthews: is that what you told your other girls? 🤔
@mariahansen: @kira_matthews well he just got exposed 😂
@mariahansen: @rubymae wtf are you doing here? Haven't you got a kid to look after?

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