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@kira_matthews: 'Paris never feels the same, when the streets all call your name' Liked by jesselingard, mariahansen, littlemixofficial and 993,226 others Comments:@mariahansen: you okay? dm me babes x 💕@littlemixofficial: our best friend!! ❤️@je...

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@kira_matthews: 'Paris never feels the same, when the streets all call your name'
Liked by jesselingard, mariahansen, littlemixofficial and 993,226 others
@mariahansen: you okay? dm me babes x 💕
@littlemixofficial: our best friend!! ❤️
@jesselingard: @littlemixofficial sorry girls but I think she's my best friend 😂🤷‍♂️
@kira_matthews: @littlemixofficial @jesselingard no need to fight over me guys, you can all be my best friends 😂😂
@user93: hope your bf apologies to us 😡😣
@user42: can't believe you let your boyfriend attack us like that 🤬😡
@user05: thought you were supposed to care about us 😕

Kira's POV:
So Liam finally decided to turn up but I could tell he didn't want to be there. "Liam, we've got to get going." I told him. He stood up and walked out of the room, completely ignoring my presence. I saw Lilly look at me and she mouthed "it's going to be okay." I nodded and picked up my bag before following the corridor down to the stage. We got to the stage and saw that one of the organisers was announcing us so we waited by the stage entrance. "They're all going to hate me out there." Liam mumbled. I turned to look at him but he carried on looking forward.

We got onto the stage and sat on the sofa that was put out for us. The person interviewing us sat on the chair beside us and got out his questions. I tried to hold Liam's hand but he pulled it away. "So, today, we're joined with Kira Matthews and Liam Jones. I don't mean to intrude but I can feel the tension between the two of you, do you all agree?" The interviewer looked at the audience and a wave of 'yes' roared through the arena. I glanced at Liam but he didn't look back at me, to be honest, he never looked at me throughout the whole interview. The interview consisted of questions about Liam leaving the stage in Croatia and how stressed our relationship seems to the public. It hurt to know that people could tell we were having problems and I knew this meant all my family at home would know about it too.

After what seemed like forever, the interview was finally over and I practically ran off the stage and into Lily's arms. I burst into tears as soon as she embraced me and I knew that despite the fact that I wanted everything to be fine, it was obvious something was off with the two of us. I wanted us to be perfect and I knew that if I just spoke to Liam, we'd be able to sort all of this. We were the 'perfect couple', everyone told us that, so why did I feel like our relationship was so imperfect. "Don't cry, Kira. You know I'm not good with tears." Both of us giggled at Lily's comment and I pulled away from the hug and looked around, hoping to locate Liam so we could talk about everything, but all I could see was the emptiness of the backstage area. "I'm scared, Lil. I don't want to lose him, I can't lose him." That sent me in tears again, but this time Lily wiped the tears off my face and gripped my hands.

Old Habits - A Dele Alli//Jesse Lingard FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now