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The only sound I could hear in my cell was the drop of water in the one corner. I could no longer feel the burn in my arms nor my legs as I hung limply against the wall. How long has it been? A month? Three? They say solitude brings you insanity. I know they couldn't have been any closer to the truth. I almost wish they would come back in here even if they were going to drag me back into that wretched room. As if they heard me calling I heard the foot steps in the distance echo against the walls. My heart no longer races when I hear them. Its almost serene, have I truly lost my mind?

I didn't lift my head up at the jangle of keys. I didn't fight when the man uncuffed me and I almost couldn't catch myself before hitting the ground. The sting in my palms reminded me I was still alive, even if I was just a shell. They are safe though, and that's all that matters. The man kicked me in the gut with a grunt and I clutched my stomach biting my lips so I wouldn't make a noise. He laughed grabbing a fist full of my hair and shoving a horse's bite in my mouth clamping it shut.

I gave no resistance, and knew all too well that I couldn't if I wanted to. Small rods of sea stone were piercing areas throughout my body. It was almost comical that they thought even the voice of a devil fruit user could bring harm to them. The bite cut into the corners of my mouth, but there wasn't a hint of a grimace on my face. He dragged me down the hallway by my hair, and the ground cut up my body opening up old wounds that haven't completely healed.

I was tossed into the all too familiar chamber of the man who captured me. His smirk still caused shivers to go down my spine.

"Its so nice to see you again Time Killer."

His hair was slicked back and tucked behind his ear. He wore a black fur coat, with no shirt underneath showing off his toned abdomen along with the diamond shaped scar on his right shoulder. Other small scars covered his hands. He had another scar that looked like a burn just in front of his ear that went along his jaw and covered a large spot on his throat. His eyes were dark and menacing. He flashed me a smile showing off the sharpened canines of his. Ruby rings adorned his fingers. He wore black leather pants and a pair of black boots with silver accents. A gun holster hung loosely off his hips.

I narrowed my eyes at him, but otherwise had no reaction to his presence. He stood up and seemed to float towards me with a grace that didn't fit such an evil man. I stared at the floor looking away from him until he grabbed my chin forcing me to look at him.

"Your eyes still hold a fire in them. It's been almost four months. Are you still hopeful that you will find a way out of here? Perhaps your crew will return for you, but that would be a death sentence wouldn't it?"

I forced myself to remain stoic, and that only seemed to piss him off. The twitch in his eyebrow was all I needed to see, and if it weren't for the horse's bite, and the sea stone I would've tore into him like an animal does their prey.

Pulling a small knife from a pocket in his coat. His eyes seemed to glint with excitement.

"Its safe to play with you again Ui, and you know just how much I like to play with you." He traced my jaw with the tip of the knife drawing a little blood that he licked up with a dark laugh.

I felt my heart begin to race knowing what was about to come, and couldn't fight back when he pinned me to the floor using his knee to cut off my flow of oxygen. Instinctively I clawed at his legs, tears springing to my eyes involuntarily at the pain and fear enveloping me. He cut into me slowly, and my vision began to blur when he finally eased up on my throat and I gasped for air. I could feel the warmth of my blood, and knew this was just the beginning as the hot, searing pain of his blade burned its way into my muscles.

The constant pain caused me to drift in and out of consciousness before a massive explosion caused me to become more alert. He looked alarmed for a second before he seemed to remember something.

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