Ch.1 You Don't Know Me

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Y/N : Another boring day." I said to myself

I was walking towards Kuoh Academy, it was formerly an all girls school, but recently it changed to coed. I walked through the gates and I immediately hear the whispers about me.

Random Boy : Hey look, it's that creep."

Random Boy #2 : Man someone really needs to do something about him."

Random Boy #3 : No way man, he took on the entire football team without a scratch."

Random Girl : Why does he always look depressed."

Random Girl #2 : He may not be a pervert, but he's still a wierdo

I ignored the comments and kept walking to class getting stares on the way. I sat down right behind the school's biggest fucking perverts. I was surprised though, when Issei began dating a fallen angel, I expected too never to see him again, but he was reincarnated into a devil by Rias Gremory, Lucifer's little sister. I couldn't believe he possessed the boosted gear and neither did Tyrant. 

Issei POV

I sat down in front of the school's loneliest kid, after that date with Raynare, and becoming a devil, he was the least important thing in my life, until my right hand began to talk.

(Yes Issei knows about Ddraig, I needed someone to inform them about Tyrant)

Ddraig : Partner, watch out for that kid behind you, he possesses a sacred gear as well, and a powerful one at that" he said getting my attention

Issei : Really? Which one?" I asked the dragon

Ddraig : I can't be sure, but I think it's Tyrant" he said

Issei : Tyrant?" I asked

Ddraig : He was also a dragon before being turned into a sacred gear, when we first met he tried to interfere in the fight between me and the white one, we quickly and easily defeated him, but we made the mistake of letting him live." he said

Ddraig : When Tyrant returned to fight us, he grew stronger, he knew how avoid our attacks and how to counter them, eventually he caught up to us in power and joined in our battle, given how fast he adapted we decided to give him the name Evolution Dragon" he said 

Ddraig : Your dragon weapon is called boosted gear a gauntlet, while Tyrant's is a sword called Incursio's Key" he said

Issei : A sword, that sounds so much better than a gauntlet" I said, but soon regretted it, because I could feel Ddraig growling

Issei : *cough*  I'll tell Rias later then" I said calming down the dragon

Ddraig : Be careful, if he is Tyrant's host, I can't determine how strong he could be" he said before going quiet

~Time Skip~

3rd POV

Rias : INCURSIO'S KEY!" she yelled

Issei : Yeah, that's what Ddraig said" he says to his president

Akeno : If (Y/N) possesses Incursio's Key he could become a powerful ally or a deadly enemy" she informed

Rias : Yes indeed, and I plan on adding him to my peerage" she said shocking everyone

Kiba : Isn't (Y/N) rather distant?" he asked

Koneko : Yeah, I see him avoid people all the time" she says

Rias : Yes I know, here's the plan Issei, bring (Y/N) here after school" she tells her pawn

I Fight For Myself (Depressed Male Incursio User x Highschool DxD)Where stories live. Discover now