Ch.10 My Heart Is Colder Than Ice

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Esdeath : So your planning on denying me?" she asked

(Y/N) : Yeah, I belong to no one" I responded pulling out Incursio's Key

Esdeath : That sword, you posses the Evolution Dragon Tyrant correct?" she asked

(Y/N) : That's correct, not many people can identify it, only those who have faced it can say that" I said 

Esdeath : My ancestor once fought against a wielder of the Evolution Dragon, he never stood a chance and was killed instantly" she said

(Y/N) : Do you still wish to continue, they say history repeats itself" I said pointing my sword at her as she laughs

Esdeath : Oh don't worry about me, I am much stronger than my ancestors ever were" she responded

Esdeath sent a wave of ice at me and I activate Incursio's Key

(Y/N) :  INCURSIO!" I shouted summoning Incursio's armor

The wave of ice approached me and I just punched it shattering it to pieces, but Esdeath rushed in and kicked me while I was distracted sending me into the walls of the church. I recover and stare at Esdeath as she slowly walks to me. I rush her with my spear and try to impale her, but she creates a shield of ice that parries my thrust and she stabs me in the stomach with her rapier. I feel it and I ignore it as I punched her in the face sending her back a couple of feet, leaving the rapier inside.

Esdeath : You can still move with that rapier inside you, how?" she asked as I pulled the sword out

(Y/N) : All my life, I have been dealing with both physical and mental pain, I have grown tolerant of these sort of attacks" I said healing my wound with magic

(Y/N) : Just like Tyrant, I have adapted to pain and I no longer feel it" I said as she smiled

Esdeath : That's good, I can have all my fun with you and I don't need to hold back" she responded

(Y/N) : Grasp Heart" I chanted, but she quickly vanishes, she knew my attacks and how to avoid them

She reappeared behind me as she summoned a couple of ice spears and sent them towards me, I dodge almost all of them as one managed to impale my right leg causing me to fall over. She summons a large ice rock above me and drops it, I quickly roll out of the way and pull the ice spears out. She didn't want to give me time to heal so she placed her hand on the ground and froze it. The frozen ground then summoned ice spikes that shot up from the ground. I jumped using my left leg, she knew I would and kicked me towards the ground and onto a ice spike she summoned earlier. I was impaled on the ice spike, I punch it and it shatters making me fall to the floor as Incursio's armor disappeared. I lied there on my stomach, staring at the blood puddle I made. Esdeath came up and kicked me on my back making me face her.

Esdeath : What's wrong, are you finished?" she asked a little disappointed as I sit up and glare at her

(Y/N) : Nev-"

Esdeath quickly kicked me in the face and I fell back on the ground and I glared at her with hatred

Esdeath : Ah, that look, you make it seem that your better than everyone else, and yet you allow your emotions to show during a fight" she said making me angry

Esdeath : All my life, I did whatever I wanted because I was strong, you were strong only because everyone else is weaker than you, because of your humanity you don't know what true strength is" she said as I clenched my fist

(Y/N) : What the hell do you know about strength" I demanded as she looked at me

Esdeath : I kn-"

I Fight For Myself (Depressed Male Incursio User x Highschool DxD)Where stories live. Discover now