Akame and Leone (Lemon)

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(Y/N) Pov

Leone sat on the edge of my bed, she motioned for me and Akame to sit down. I sat on the bed between Leone and Akame. I had a slight blush on my face, but neither Leone or Akame noticed it. Leone placed her hand on my leg and slowly began rubbing it, she started to go higher until she reached my groin and proceeded to unleash the beast. Akame grabbed my face and pulled me into a kiss, her face bright red as she began to deepen the kiss. Our tongues wrestled for dominance as Leone wrapped her lips around my member and started bobbing her head making me quiver with pleasure. I slowly lowered my hand down Akame outfit and proceeded to fondle her breast making her moan. I removed Akame outfit and bra and stared at her exposed breasts, making her cover herself in embaressment

Akame : Don't stare so much" she said covering her breasts with a blush

I continued kissing Akame and stared groping her with my left hand, while my right hand was on Leone's head. Leone began to speed up making me moan, hearing this she giggled sending the vibrations that further increased the pleasure. I released from the kiss, I look at Leone and gave her a face that told her I was close, she began to speed up, until I finally released my load right in her mouth as she swallowed it without gagging. She and Akame stood up and removed all their clothes, Leone then removed my clothes and licked my chest slowly heading over to my face and began kissing me. Akame motioned herself above my still hard member and proceeded to lower self. I felt I hit her entrance, but she had a pained look on her face. I slowly release myself from Leone and grabbed Akame hips making her jump.

(Y/N) : Take it slow, this is your first time, so its gonna hurt" I said as she nodded and slowly lowered herself all the way

She began tearing up and I embraced her in a deep kiss, she hugged back and fell into the kiss forgetting ever feeling any pain. I release from the kiss and turn to a pouting Leone.

Leone : That's not fair" she argued as I lowered my hand toward her lower lips and began to rub

Leone shivered with pleasure as I pulled her into a kiss. Akame began to rock her hips as I placed my hand on her waist to help with movements. I enter a finger inside Leone and she began moaning, I moved my fingers which further increased the moans from Leone. I then began adding my own thrusts to Akame as she embraced me and whispered into my ear.

Akame : I'm...close" she whispered as I remove my hand from Leone and grabbed Akame and placed her on the bed on her back.

I was now on top of her and began thrusting at my own pace. She covered her mouth with her finger, but I brushed it aside so I could better hear her moaning. I grabbed her breasts with both my hands and began sucking on them making her tremble.

Akame : I-I'm cum-I'm cumming" she said cumming making her insides tighten as I also felt my end coming

I released one more powerful thrust and released my load inside her making her tremble with pleasure. I pull out of her as she lied down on the bed tired. I then face Leone.

(Y/N) : It's your turn" I said as she lied down in the empty side of the bed

Leone picked her legs up and motioned for me to enter her. I hover my member above her wet pussy and slowly enter making her bite her lip. I then kissed her and entered, she flinched for a moment then the pain was replaced with pleasure, she wrapped her arms around me and further deepened the kiss. I began gently thrusting into her as I groped both her breasts making her moan loudly. My thrusts further increased and she was sticking her tongue out with her eyes rolled all the way to the back of her head.

Leone : (Y/N)....(Y/N)....I'm....cumming" she said making me further increase my force and speed as I entered my tongue into her mouth exploring it

Leone came as I enter a little more thrusts and finally came inside her. She was breathing heavily, a smile was on her face as she picked herself up and kissed me again

Leone : Your welcome by the way" she said rubbing the right side of my face

I noticed I was able to feel her smooth skin rub across my face. I stood up and walked to the bathroom and saw that my face had returned to normal, but my right eye was red and had the symbol Incrusio's armor gives me when I enter balance breaker.

(Y/N) : I'll ask Tyrant about this later" I said with a sigh and walked back to the bedroom to see both Akame and Leone smiling

Akame : Looks like we were able to help" she said

Leone : I'm glad your okay" she said

(Y/N) : Thanks for helping me with this, I guess" I said rubbing my neck nervously

Leone : Um" she said getting my attention

Leone : If we want, could we maybe do this again?" she asked with a blush

(Y/N) : I guess, I enjoyed it, if it's okay with you two" I answered making them both smile

Akame : Good, now let's continue" she said

(Y/N) : Wait again?" I asked

Leone : We need to make sure all the dragon energy is released" she answered with a smirk pulling me into bed

~Time Skip~

All three of us were panting, we just had sex for three more hours. We were lying in bed as Leone and Akame cuddled up to me, I was in the middle, Akame was on my left and Leone was on my right.

(Y/N) : Thank you both" I said pulling them close to me and taking the two by surprise

Leone/Akame : What was that?" they said

(Y/N) : Shut up and go to sleep" I responded as they nuzzled into my chest and began sleeping

(Y/N) : This was........nice" I said to myself as I began to fall asleep

Author Notes

OMG, I can't believe I just wrote that. Sorry if it's short and not good. This was my first lemon.

(How I felt after writing this)

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(How I felt after writing this)

Author : I don't wanna write anymore" I said hugging my knees and sitting in the corner looking away from readers ashamed.

Author : I don't wanna write anymore" I said hugging my knees and sitting in the corner looking away from readers ashamed

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Nothing but shame

I Fight For Myself (Depressed Male Incursio User x Highschool DxD)Where stories live. Discover now