Ch.3 I Am The Dragon Of Evolution

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Incursio will have a nullify effect, when hit with magic he will absorb it and make it his own. Also, (Y/N) will have techniques from other worlds such as Naruto, Overlord, In Another World With My Smartphone etc. Incursio will get stronger with each battle and further increase when his emotions flare.

The ORC and Student Council looked at (Y/N) with shock. They just heard him say Balance Breaker. Realizing the dangers of the situation, everyone got up and prepared to fight, except Issei who was shaking.

3rd POV

Issei : WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!?" he shouted staring at (Y/N).

Rias : It's his Balance Breaker, I never imagined he unlocked it" she answered slightly shaking at the pressure (Y/N) gave off.

Issei : Balance Breaker?" he asked as Kiba stood up and got close to him.

Kiba : A forbidden power which activates the full power of a sacred gear" he answered holding up his sword.

Y/N : You were warned, but you didn't listen, now you will see what happens to those that annoy me" he said holding his hand up.

Y/N : COME TO ME NEUNTOTE!" he shouted summoning a spear into his hands.

Y/N : Now who's fir-" he was cut off when a dark stream of magic struck him covering him in a smoke cloud

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Y/N : Now who's fir-" he was cut off when a dark stream of magic struck him covering him in a smoke cloud.

Rias : We can't let him run wild at school, we need to knock him out" she announced as everyone nodded their heads.

Sona : Alright then lets-" she stopped when they heared another voice.

Tyrant : NULLIFY! POWER OF DESTRUCTION, POWER IS TAKEN!" the voice shouted surprising everyone.

The smoke cloud disappeared and it revealed (Y/N) without a scratch.

Rias : WHAT! That was my strongest attack, you should at least be injured" she said as (Y/N) cracked his neck.

Y/N : Something that weak won't ever effect me" he stated making Rias angry.

Y/N : Your right though, if we stay in school, I won't be able to go even further" he said pressing his hand to the floor.

Y/N : GATE" he said making the floor appear white as everyone present fell in.

Everyone had landed in the middle of a plain.

Sona : Where are we?" she asked looking around to find anything noticable, but found nothing.

Y/N : Were in America" he said shocking everyone.

Y/N : Here, we can go all out" he said pointing his spear at the devils.

Rias : Get ready everyone" she said making everyone get into a stance.

Kiba charged in first, using his speed he tries to get close to (Y/N), but in a flash he receives a punch in the face sending him skidding across the ground. Koneko then rushed in trying to land a punch, but (Y/N) simply side stepped all of them making her angry. She jumped in the air and smashed the ground making some boulders rise up. She grabbed a large boulder and threw it at (Y/N), but he simply catches it and throws it back making Koneko dodge. (Y/N) knew she would and he rushed her with a blue ball of energy...

Y/N : RASENGAN!" he shouted pushing his hand to Koneko's stomach as she was covered in a sphere that sent her flying.

The Rasengan grinded against her stomach, making her scream in pain as she stopped and lied on the ground beaten. Sona decided to join and summoned a water serpent again, trying to hit (Y/N). He decided to take the hit, knowing what would happen...

Tyrant : NULLIFY! WATER MANIPULATION, POWER IS TAKEN!" the voice said shocking Sona.

Sona : What does that mean?" she asked.

(Y/N) : This" he answered summoning the power of destruction in his right hand and a ball of water in his left hand shocking everyone but Issei and Saji who just looked confused.

Issei : What's so special about that? He can use the same magic Rias uses so who cares?" he asked making Rias stare at him.

Rias : Issei, (Y/N) shouldn't be able to use my magic, it can only be inherited by my family" she said shocking Issei.

(Y/N) : SNAKE TORRENT OF DESTRUCTION" he said as a large water serpent appeared surrounded in destruction magic shocking Rias and Sona.

Rias & Sona : He can combine magic?" they questioned as the Serpent rushed them.

Sona tried countering with her own water serpent, but the difference in size made her serpent disappear instantly. (Y/N) serpent continued and rushed to Sona, but Tsubaki blocked it by using her sacred gear Mirror Alice sending it back to (Y/N) at double the power. He only stared at it and held his palm out to the serpert...

Tyrant : DIVIDE! DIVIDE! DIVIDE! DIVIDE! DIVIDE!" the voice repeated making the Serpent disappear as (Y/N) absorbed the magic.

Sona : WHAT!" she shouted shocked.

(Y/N) body was now full of power, his body began to glow as he roared into the sky releasing the stored up magic.

(Y/N) body was now full of power, his body began to glow as he roared into the sky releasing the stored up magic

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Y/N : HHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" he roared destroying everything in his path.

Rias : RUN!" she ordered as everyone took flight while Akeno grabbed Koneko and followed the others.

Rias and the others were already too late, they got caught in (Y/N) blast which created a huge crater the size of Kuoh Academy. After the explosion, Rias and the others were heavily damaged, and barely breathing. He walked up to them and saw them on their stomachs. He saw Rias, he kneeled down to her and grabbed her by the hair...

(Y/N) : Don't waste my time with your stupid questions, or else I'll get serious" he said as Rias finally lost consiousness.

He let go of her hair and let her fall to the ground and looked around to see everyone unconsious.

(Y/N) : Don't fuck with The Evolution Dragon" he said teleporting everyone back to the Student Council Room and leaving them on the ground as he went back to class.

I Fight For Myself (Depressed Male Incursio User x Highschool DxD)Where stories live. Discover now