Ch.28 The Day I Lost My Humanity

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A/N : This chapter contains blood and spoilers for Akame Ga Kill, if you have not watched the entire series and don't want it spoiled then don't read this chapter and go watch the anime or read the manga. I'll post a link for the manga on this comment.

3rd POV

After dealing with Michael, (Y/N) and the rest returned to school the next day. As they reached the school gates, they saw a teenager with silver hair waiting. Once he spotted (Y/N), he stood up and approached the group.

Vali : "Greetings (Y/N) Tatsumi or should I say Evolution Dragon" he said making the girls summon their weapons, but (Y/N) told them to relax

(Y/N) : "What do you want White Dragon?" he asked sternly

Vali : "Oh nothing really, just wanted to see my rival with my own eyes" he responded

(Y/N) : "Well you saw him, now go away" he said making Vali laugh and send a right hook towards (Y/N)

(Y/N) caught the right hook and threw Vali over his shoulder and slammed hard into the ground. Still holding his arm, (Y/N) twisted it and heard a snap that made Vali scream in pain.

Sona : "(Y/N)! Stop at once!" she called out getting everyone's attention

(Y/N) : "DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!" he shouted back continuing to twist his arm

Sona : "He's a representative of the Fallen Angel faction, attacking him is the same as declaring war!" she informed as Akame placed her hand on (Y/N) shoulder

He looked at her before sighing and releasing Vali. He recovered and smirked at (Y/N).

Vali : "Good to see my rival is powerful enough to break my arm, makes me feel excited the day we fight it out" he said

(Y/N) : "The day we fight it out is going to be your last day alive, remember that" he said walking past Vali and Sona to enter school

Xenovia : "Why did you let him go?" she asked walking by his side

(Y/N) : "I don't want to bring too much attention to us right now, we already have the devils and angels watching every step we take, it would be annoying if the Fallen got involved as well" he answered

(Y/N) : "Plus it would be harder to protect you all" he said surprising the girls

Girls : "Awww" they said

(Y/N) : "J-just shut up and keep walking!" he said with a slight blush

During lunch that day, (Y/N) took a nap and rested on the ground with Yui sleeping on his chest. The girls around them started eating, but then Rias approached them.

Rias : "Greetings everyone" she greeted as most of the girls prepared for a fight

Rias : "Relax I'm not here to cause trouble, anyone of you could destroy me, but I just wish to ask (Y/N) something" she said

Akame : "He's busy, we'll relay the message" she responded

Rias : "But... He's right there" she said pointing to a napping (Y/N) only a few feet away from her

Leone : "Like she said, he's busy, just tell us what you want and we'll tell him later" she said

Rias : "Okay, tell him the leaders of the three factions will be holding a summit meeting to discuss the recent attack by Kokabiel, which I heard you guys took care of, and they all want (Y/N) to attend the peace talks afterwards" she said making all the girls narrowed their eyes at Rias

Leone : "Listen up, we're humans and we get to do whatever the hell we want, none of you supernatural assholes own us. We.Don't.Have.To.Do.Shit" she said towering over Rias who started to get nervous and backed away

I Fight For Myself (Depressed Male Incursio User x Highschool DxD)Where stories live. Discover now