Ch.15 My Strength

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3rd POV

Riser charged (Y/N) with a fist covered in flame, he landed a punch on (Y/N) face which didn't even flinch. Riser looked at (Y/N) shocked his punch didn't effect him, so he grabbed his face and increased the fire power in his palm. (Y/N) entire body was engulfed in fire. Riser smirked while Rias and her peerage could only watch in horror as (Y/N) was being burned alive. 

(Y/N) : Is that it?" he asked shocking everyone in the room especially Riser

Riser : What! You should be burned to a crisp by Riser's fire, why are you still alive scum?" he demanded as the fire that covered (Y/N) turned blue and he said...

(Y/N) : Summon High Tier Demon. Arsene the Phantom Thief" he chanted as the blue flames started to remove itself from (Y/N) and take form of a demon surprising everyone once again

 Arsene the Phantom Thief" he chanted as the blue flames started to remove itself from (Y/N) and take form of a demon surprising everyone once again

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Grayfia : 'This boy can summon demons? How powerful is he?' she thought to herself as Arsene stood behind (Y/N)

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Grayfia : 'This boy can summon demons? How powerful is he?' she thought to herself as Arsene stood behind (Y/N)

(Y/N) : Truly pathetic, I have dealt with cooking stoves hotter than that" he mocked as Riser glared at him

Riser : How dare you, you are nothing but an insect meant to be squashed by Riser, NOW DIE!" he shouted throwing a fireball at (Y/N) who summoned Incursio's Key

(Y/N) : FULL COUNTER!" he shouted reflecting Riser fireball back at him causing it to explode and fill the ORC with a smoke cloud

Everyone coughed as the smoke filled the room, after a couple of seconds the smoke dissipated and Riser was shown to not have a scratch on him, he smirked at and unamused (Y/N)

Riser : See, Riser is the most powerful devil, Riser will never be defeated by a weak human like you" he declared as he threw a barrage of fireballs at (Y/N) who just swatted them away like flies 

Riser : See, Riser is the most powerful devil, Riser will never be defeated by a weak human like you" he declared as he threw a barrage of fireballs at (Y/N) who just swatted them away like flies 

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I Fight For Myself (Depressed Male Incursio User x Highschool DxD)Where stories live. Discover now