Ch.24 Let's Go

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(Y/N) has fulfilled Basara's last wish and buried him next to his mother, but not without leaving him a warning about his family and their strength. At the burial site, (Y/N) met a woman who had already prepared a grave for Basara and left a strange sword for him.


After burying Basara and taking the strange sword with me, I returned to Kuoh Academy and see the church members still waiting for me.

Xenovia : Give us Sunrise" she demanded

(Y/N) : How bout I give you this" I said giving her the finger

Irina : Why are you being like that, what have we ever done to you?" she asked

(Y/N) : Your both dogs of the church, a group of people who believe everything they do is justifiable when they say its in the name of God, that really pisses me off" I said angrily

Xenovia : I will say it one more time,, or face my blade" she threatened grabbing the handle of her sword

(Y/N) : Bring it bitch" I said making Xenovia pull out her sword and reveal her Excalibur fragment

Xenovia : This is Excalibur Destruction, do you still wish to continue?" she asked trying to scare me

(Y/N) : Trying to threaten me with a legendary sword weak enough to be broken won't work" I mocked as Xenovia charged me

I pull out Incursio's Key and block a downward swing from the church dog, I slide her sword to the side and kick her in the stomach making her slide back. She recovered and glared at me, while I kept a straight face and motioned for her to come at me. She charged again, but I saw Irina in the corner of my eye preparing her sword, so I dash to her side and ram my elbow straight to the gut making her cough blood and fall to the ground holding her stomach in pain. Xenovia who couldn't keep up, looked at me with wide eyes as I appeared in front of her holding Excalibur Mimic in my hand.

(Y/N) : If you truly believe your special for being capable of wielding these swords, then..." I said making Excalibur Mimic morph into a twin blade shocking Xenovia

Xenovia : Impossible, only people worthy of Excalibur can wield it" she said as I point one side of the blade towards her and extend it

As the blade extended, it cut Xenovia's cheek and she jumped back in surprise. Blood dripped from her cheek as it fell to the ground, she wiped her cheek and inspected her hand seeing blood on it. She gritted her teeth and charged me again as I pulled back the blade and we clash. As our strike connected each other's swords, I felt only power in her swings, meaning she only relied on raw strength rather than a balance of speed and power. When she attempted a down swing on me, I dodge to the right and allow her to plant the sword into the ground. I made the mistake of not thinking about the destruction it caused, but I avoided it and saw the sword stuck into the ground. As Xenovia began to pull the sword out, I jumped on the hilt of the sword and planted it deeper into the ground taking away Xenovia's only means of protecting herself. As I stood on the sword, I kicked her in the face and sent her into a tree. I pulled Destruction from the ground and activated its hidden effect, I slashed the sword towards Xenovia and created a crescent light attack that cut anything in its path, including the tree Xenovia crashed into. Xenovia managed to duck her head in time, but saw the true power of Excalibur Destruction behind her. I walked towards her, bringing her attention to me as I held the sword high and she held her head down prepared for her life to end, but I dropped both Excalibur's in front of her, taking her by surprise.

(Y/N) : Pathetic" I said looking at her with disappointment

(Y/N) : I'm done here, I'm going home" I said walking away from the school as my group followed

I Fight For Myself (Depressed Male Incursio User x Highschool DxD)Where stories live. Discover now