Ch.19 Not Again

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A/N : I wanted to tell you that the devils don't know your name, Grayfia didn't remember it because you were a human and she didn't think it was important to remember. So they will call you boy or evolution dragon. I know Grayfia said your name earlier, but just forget that.

3rd POV


(Y/N) had just executed Issei for attempting to take his life, Issei head however didn't remain, the gunshot left a giant scorch mark in the ground showing a powerful blast was fired. His body remained still with his boosted gear still active.

Satanael : Shoot the gauntlet and I'll take care of Ddraig" he said as (Y/N) pointed Eternal at the gauntlet and fired another shot

The red gauntlet shattered to pieces and Issei's arm was destroyed, only Ddraig's screaming soul was heard when (Y/N) absorbed his soul. Red and green lights escaped the shattered pieces and entered (Y/N) chest signaling the soul was absorbed.

~(Y/N) Dreamscape~

Ddraig fell from the sky and landed in the meadow with a have thud. The impact created a small crater that cracked the ground and blew away some trees. He rose up on all fours and inspected the peaceful field, confused he cautiously walked and saw he was in a giant field, he climbed up a hill and saw beautiful islands floating in the sky...

 He rose up on all fours and inspected the peaceful field, confused he cautiously walked and saw he was in a giant field, he climbed up a hill and saw beautiful islands floating in the sky

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Ddraig : Amazing, for an asshole, that kid sure has an amazing dream world" he said to himself as another voice spoke

Satanael : Asshole huh? You might want to choose your next words wisely" he warned as Ddraig jumped and began scanning his surroundings only to see no one

Ddraig : WHO'S THERE SHOW YOURSELF!" he demanded as Satanael laughed and storm clouds began to form in the sky

Satanael : I'm surprised you can't tell just by my voice, oh well it's pointless telling someone who's going to die anyway" he said as Ddraig growled

Ddraig : COME OUT YOU COWARD AND FACE ME!" he demanded as thunder roared in the sky

Satanael : Very well" he said as the he began to lower himself from the clouds making Ddraig's eyes widen

Satanael : Very well" he said as the he began to lower himself from the clouds making Ddraig's eyes widen

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I Fight For Myself (Depressed Male Incursio User x Highschool DxD)Where stories live. Discover now