Ch.17 Heading To London And Meeting A Master Mage

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Esdeath woke up in the middle of the rating game, so I decide to tie her up and deal with her after the game was done. Seeing Kiba beat Riser made me smirk, losing to a knight must've embarrassed him greatly. Rias and her peerage disappeared and I faced Esdeath with Incursio's key at her neck.

(Y/N) : That name you said after I beat you, where did you hear that?" I demanded as Esdeath blushed

Esdeath : Does that really matter, it's just me, you and an audience" she said looking behind me as the Trinity Seven had to hold Akame back from trying to kill Esdeath after killing two of her teammates

Esdeath : Being in the this position, are you gonna take me while others watch" she suggested still tied to the chair

(Y/N) : I don't care how evil someone is, I would never do something so disgusting" I responded

Esdeath : Aww, your no fun, very well, I learned the name Inson, when I was training under him" she said surprising me as Incrusio's key glowed

Tyrant : So your one of his students?" he asked as Esdeath shrugged

Esdeath : Was, when he found out I used my powers for my own gain, he tried to kill me, but I ran away knowing how powerful he truly was" she said

(Y/N) : I'm not surprised, if my student ran crazy wanting more power, I would want to put him down too" I said

Esdeath : However, he no longer goes by Inson, he goes by Elias Ainsworth after his resurrection" she said confusing me and Tyrant

Tyrant : What do you mean resurrection?" he asked as Esdeath signaled for me to release her, but I refused

(Y/N) : That's as comfortable as your going to get, if you expect to be treated like a human after everything you've done, your wrong" I stated as Esdeath began trembling with excitement

Esdeath : Oh yes~, keep talking to me like that, I love it" she said as I back away from her in disgust

Akame : Just kill her already, she isn't needed anymore" she said as Esdeath smirked

Esdeath : Oh really, then I guess you don't want to find your sister Kurome" she asked making Akame break through the girls and held Murasame towards her neck

Akame : My sister is dead, bringing up her name makes me want to skin you alive and leave you to the crows" she said angrily

Esdeath : You think she's dead? Oh my, you two truly are sisters, she also believed you were dead and wandered the world looking for a purpose, so I took her in and raised her into the perfect killer" she said a Akame lowered her sword and pulled Esdeath hair towards her

Akame : Where is she?" she demanded as Esdeath smirked again making Akame grit her teeth in anger

Esdeath : You'll never find her, she only comes out on my orders, so if you kill me, you'll never find her" she stated as Akame spin kicked her in the jaw and raised her sword high

Akame : THEN I'LL KILL YOU AND FIND HER MYSELF!" she shouted about to cut her with Murasame, but I block it with Incursio's key surprising her

(Y/N) : Stop being a Kiba" I said as she gritted her teeth and I swear I heard Kiba sneeze somewhere

Akame : WHY SHOULD I, THIS BITCH DOESN'T DESERVE TO LIVE AFTER ALL SHE'S DONE, WHY SHOULD I STOP-" I interrupted her by putting my finger on her lips

(Y/N) : If you keep stressing out like this, your not only effecting your life, but someone else's" I said as Akame looked down at her stomach and placed her hand on it as she stormed out of the room and as I stared at Esdeath

I Fight For Myself (Depressed Male Incursio User x Highschool DxD)Where stories live. Discover now