Ch.7 Night Raid In Bed

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(Y/N) was walking to school, when he saw Kiba walking with a group of girls, Kiba noticed (Y/N) and walked over to him. Some of the girls were surprised and began whispering, soon everyone stared at the Prince of Kuoh and the Mystery Kid.

3rd POV

Kiba : (Y/N)" he said, but (Y/N) ignored him and began to speed walk, confusing Kiba

Kiba : Hey, wait up" he said trying to catch up, but (Y/N) speed walked even faster

Kiba increased his speed, but so did (Y/N). What was once a walk, now turned into a chase as (Y/N) began sprinting away as Kiba gave chase. (Y/N) then ran into a dark alley and used gate to teleport behind the old school house. Kiba couldn't find (Y/N) so he continued his way to school.

(Y/N) : What a dick" he muttered walking to class

Kiba tried looking for (Y/N) everywhere with no luck, (Y/N) didn't want the attention Kiba brought so he decided to avoid him at all cost. Kiba almost caught (Y/N), until he used an unaware Issei as a distraction by throwing him at the school prince. It was now after school...

(Y/N) : Finally, your alone" he said appearing out of nowhere making Kiba jump

Kiba : Why have you been avoiding me?" he asked

(Y/N) : You bring me too much attention, I hate that" he answered

Kiba : Have you thought about my favor?" he asked

(Y/N) : Yes, I decided to train you, don't get the wrong idea though, I'm only training you because of your revenge" he said confusing Kiba

Kiba : Why do you care about my revenge so much?" he asked as (Y/N) stared at him

(Y/N) : I know what it's like to have someone taken from me, I also really fucking hate the church" he answered

Kiba : Alright, I won't ask why, but if your gonna train me, thank you sensei" he said bowing

(Y/N) : Cut the crap, you won't be able to look at me the same way after I'm done training you" he said making Kiba shake

Kiba : What kind of training?" he asked 

(Y/N) : First, I'm gonna calm your mind of revenge by having you relive the same day you lost your friends" he said shocking Kiba

Kiba : WHAT!" he shouted

(Y/N) : Relax, it's going to be an illusion, if you want me to physically train you, I need you to keep a clear head when you run into the fucker that hurt you, by having you relive the same day, I need you to keep your emotions in check" he said making Kiba clench his fists

Kiba : You want me to watch my friends die again?" he asked angrily

(Y/N) : If you run into that person, your emotions will make you reckless, if you die then all the physical training you went through will have been worthless, if your gonna bitch out because you don't wanna deal with a little mental trauma to get stronger then fine, fuck off" he said walking away leaving Kiba to his thoughts

~Time Skip~

(Y/N) was currently working at his restaurant, he was serving the only people inside. He felt they had sacred gears and was always on guard.

 He felt they had sacred gears and was always on guard

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I Fight For Myself (Depressed Male Incursio User x Highschool DxD)Where stories live. Discover now