Ch.13 Back To School

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I opened up a gate to summon me to the headmaster's office, but the gate summoned me outside the school. Lilith walked through the gate and she looked equally confused.

Lilith : Um, weren't you suppose to summon us to the headmaster's office, why are we out here?" she asked as I smelled something out of place

(Y/N) : Wait, do you smell that?" I asked confusing Lilith

Lilith : Smell what?" she asked

(Y/N) : I smell smoke" I said surprising Lilith

Lilith : Smoke! But I don't see anything burning" she said looking around

(Y/N) : Exactly" I said as Tyrant spoke

Tyrant : I sense a barrier around the school" he said

(Y/N) : A barrier huh, there's only one person I know who could cover the entire school in barrier" I said

Lilith : Sora" she said as I nod my head

(Y/N) : Tyrant, can we take down the barrier?" I asked

Tyrant : Not by magic, but maybe by brute force" he answered as I pulled Incursio's Key out

(Y/N) : All right then" I said about to plant Incursio's Key into the ground, but Tyrant stopped me

Tyrant : (Y/N) I don't think that's a good idea" he said

Tyrant : After Incursio's evolution, it would not be wise to use it just after getting rid of the dragon energy, there's the chance your body will transform once again, but it might be worst" he warned

(Y/N) : I know that, but if Sora put up this barrier then that means something's wrong, also the headmaster has information about Inson, if I ignore this then we'll have to wait for Esdeath to wake up, which could take a while" I said making Tryant sigh

Tyrant : Very well, but don't push yourself, if you die then I'll lose my favorite host and any chances of finding Inson" he replied as I nod my head

(Y/N) : All right then, INCURSIO!" I roared summoning Incursio's second armor breaking the ground underneath me as Lilith looked at me shocked

Lilith : Wait what!?! It looks different the last time I saw it" she said shocked as I looked at my hand

(Y/N) : A lot can happen in a year Lilith, people change for better or for worse" I said as I stared at the school and began charging towards it

I charged the barrier at full speed and crashed into it with my spear. The impact shook the ground as I began cracking the point of impact. Needing more power I had to use my red dragon evolution.

(Red/White Dragon Evolution is using the powers or equipment from Boosted Gear/Ddraig or Divine Dividing/Albion. Example: Being able to transfer power to others, or half dimension)

(Y/N) : RED DRAGON EVOLUTION : JET" I shouted making a jet appear on my back as I began boosting (Imagine Issei breaking Diodora's Barrier)

Tyrant : Boost!Boost!Boost!Boost!Boost!" he repeated as I began pouring all the power into the jets, putting more force into my thrust.

The entire barrier began cracking, within a few seconds I broke down the barrier, only to reveal the entire school on fire and was being attacked by members of the old devil faction.

(Y/N) : What the hell are they doing here?" I asked myself as two grunts saw me and charged

One tried to pierce me with his spear, but I parry it and cut his head off turning him into dust. The other followed, he used demon magic, but I use Incursio's nullify and negate it. I throw my spear at him and it pierces his stomach and goes through all the way. I hear a couple of gunshots and see Lilith taking out some grunts. After she was done she rushed over to me as I called back Neuntote.

I Fight For Myself (Depressed Male Incursio User x Highschool DxD)Where stories live. Discover now