Ch.16 Rating Game Begins

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~Day Of The Rating Game~

(Y/N) and the other girls were currently sitting in his living room watching the massive TV infused with magic. The TV screen showed Rias and her peerage waiting in the ORC currently in the rating game dimension. Sona invited (Y/N) to watch the rating game with Sirzechs and the others, but he said 'nah, fuck that'. He knew Sirzechs must have told Sona to invite him so he could explain the powers he possessed to everyone, so he declined. Kiba changed as well, staying in the dimension for two months his hair grew longer and he tied in a ponytail held with a hairband. When (Y/N) brought Kiba back, Rias and the others were surprised by how much he changed, not in appearance, but in power.

3rd POV

(Y/N), the Trinity Seven and Night Raid were watching the screen intently as Grayfia began explaining the rules of the game.

Lilith : What are their chances of winning?" she asked (Y/N) who was sitting on the couch with one leg over the other

(Y/N) : If Rias uses Kiba right, then I have no doubt she'll win" he answered as Lilith turned back to the screen

Leone : What did you teach him?" she asked

(Y/N) : It's better if you watch" he answered as Leone pouted and looked back at the screen

Kiba POV

I was currently cleaning my sword while listening to Rias's plan. She told Akeno to create an illusion of the home base to draw out Riser's pawns and that I will be there to finish them. I left with Koneko to set up some bait traps, when she started asking me questions.

Koneko : So what did you learn from him?" she asked as her familiar set a trap

Kiba : I learned he's hard ass when it comes to training" I responded as I felt someone glaring at me, but in the back of my mind I knew who it was

Koneko : Not that, I mean skill wise" she said as I sighed

Kiba : I'm not allowed to share that with you, if I did, he would kill me, consequences be damned" I responded as Koneko nodded and we continued setting traps

After setting up the traps Koneko left to meet with Issei and head to the gym, leaving me to my thoughts of training


I was gasping for air as I just died fighting an Valper and several Excalibur Users. I was crying heavily as (Y/N) stood above me and stared down at me.

(Y/N) : It looks like you died again, don't worry you'll get it eventually" he said beginning walking away

(Y/N) : For now, take a ten minute break and we'll try again later" he said entering the house leaving me outside

Kiba : DAMN IT!" I shouted punching the ground angrily

Kiba : Why does it always make me angry?" I said to myself clawing the ground

Kiba : Why can't I control myself when I see him and those swords" I said as it somehow started to rain

I look up and see Sora on the roof of the house smiling

Sora : I thought you needed a little dramatic effect" she said as raindrops started land on my face and I lied down on my back

Kiba : Can I not get stronger? Am I too weak?" I asked myself looking at my hand

Kiba : Can I not destroy Excalibur?" I asked as (Y/N) came up

(Y/N) : There would be no point" he said as I look at him

(Y/N) : The church could easily repair Excalibur even if it was shattered to a thousand pieces" he said as I clenched my fists

Kiba : THEN TRAIN ME TO DESTROY EXCALIBUR AND IT'S USERS, WHAT DOES ALL THIS MIND TRAINING HAVE TO DO WITH MY REVENGE?" I shouted as (Y/N) stared at me and summoned in his hand an Excalibur

I Fight For Myself (Depressed Male Incursio User x Highschool DxD)Where stories live. Discover now