Ch.4 Keep It A Secret

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20 minutes later, the rest of Sona's peerage walked into the Student Council room to see Sona and Rias along with some of their peerage members on the ground writhing in pain. They immediately rushed to help and closed the Student Council room. It was now after school...

Rias POV

Rias : Ugh" I groaned waking up and see that my arm has bandages around it

I sit up and look around to see my peerage along with Sona, Tsubaki and Saji all covered in bandages. I try to remember what happened until I remembered.

Rias : (Y/N)" I mumbled

Momo : Rias, your awake" a voice said revealing one of Sona's bishops

Rias : What time is it Momo?" I asked

Momo : It's 7 in the afternoon Rias, school is over" she answered shocking me as she left the room

Rias : It's really been that long?" I said to myself until I see Sona shift as she woke up

Sona : Ugh, what happened?" she questioned holding her head

Rias : Sona, your awake" I said making her face me

Sona : Rias, WHERE IS EVERYONE?!?" she shouted looking around the room calming down when she sees everyone resting nearby

Rias : Relax, thanks to your bishop Momo we managed to get cleaned up" I told her

Sona : I think we should report- AAAAAAGGGGGGGGHHH" she yelled in pain holding her head

Rias : SONA, WHATS WRONG?" I asked shocked at her sudden pain

Sona : My head started hurting for no reason" she answered still holding her head

Rias : That's odd" I said

Sona : Now, I was going to say we should-AAAAGGGGHHHHH" she screamed again holding her head

Rias : WHAT'S WRONG?!?" I shouted

(Y/N) : I can answer that" he said appearing out of nowhere

Rias : (Y/N)!" I shouted alarmed at his sudden appearance

Rias : WHAT DID YOU-" I didn't finish as (Y/N) grabbed me by the mouth

(Y/N) : Shut up and listen" he demanded staring at me with empty eyes

(Y/N) : I put a seal on everyone I fought today, if you even try or think about revealing who I am or the seal to anyone who doesn't know about me, your head will feel a tremendous amount of pain, after three times your head will burst open" he said shocking Sona

Sona : I already used two" she said shivering

(Y/N) : That's your fault, one more time and your head will explode" he said scaring Sona

(Y/N) : Now, I will say it right now, I will not join either of your peerages, I won't be made a slave, or a pathetic devil" he said

(Y/N) : If I die, and any of you reincarnate me, I WILL KILL YOU!" he threatened disappearing as Momo walked into the room with supplies in her hand

Momo : SONA" she shouted dropping her supplies rushing to her side

Momo : Are you okay? Do you still feel pain? Who did this too you?" she questioned as Sona looked away and kept her mouth shut

Rias : Momo, we can't answer your questions" I said as she looked at me

Momo : Why not?" she asked

Rias : We just can't, trust us" I responded as Sona nodded her head in agreement

Momo : Alright then I won't bother you about it" she said

I Fight For Myself (Depressed Male Incursio User x Highschool DxD)Where stories live. Discover now